  • 學位論文


The preliminary research on the feasibility of intelligence device application of various size in long-term care space

指導教授 : 謝淳鈺


摘要 依內政部統計處資料顯示台灣於107年3月正式邁入高齡社會,亦即表示65歲老年人口已佔台灣總人口14%以上,如依資料推測2026年台灣將邁入超高齡社會,表示65歲以上老年人口將突破20%。也因為如此,無論是政府單位、社會福利機構抑或是民間公司近幾年相繼成立護理之家、日照中心、安養中心、身障照護中心等長期照顧空間。長照空間如雨後春筍般地快速建置中,但服務人力的缺乏也考驗著目前長照機構的應變能力。智能設備運用在各長照中心已屬常態,但目前各長照中心所導入的智能設備差異化極小,並未依照住民的需求及管理機制做適當的規劃及調整。所以,本研究的問題是當智能設備運用於不同規模的長照機構時是否有差異性?若有,其差異性為何?進而探討能否依據不同長照機構的規模產生的需求建構専屬的智能系統?唯有了解不同規模的長照中心的需要且契合服務管理機制的專屬智能設備才能有效的減少人力的耗損,也才能提供高齡者更好的生活及服務品質。本研究將透過案例分析、深度訪談及實驗等三種研究方法,確切了解不同規模長照中心導入的智能系統其差異化為何,並深入了解住民及服務人員的真實需求。根據初期的案例研究發現,不同規模的長照中心在運用智能設備的基礎架構上目前並無顯著差異,但在深入了解不同長照族群的特別需求及各長照中心的管理模式後歸究現有的智能設備並非有系統地為不同規模之長照空間量身打造,以至於淪為昂貴的裝飾品。因此本研究認為唯有建置出專屬於該長照空間的智能系統,才能將智能設備的效能發揮到其應有的功能。本研究之研究成果透過訪談的過程確認不同規模的長照中心所需的智能設備確有明顯差異的需求,更於實驗的過程中確認差異的原因來自於各種長照中心住民族群的特殊需求及管理機制,從而發現建置專屬於長照中心智能系統的設計要點。期望將來能將專屬的智能系統運用於不同規模的長照中心內,讓智能設備能輔助現有的照顧人力,提供較安全且舒適的環境給予高齡者,讓未來台灣社會的高齡者在人生最後一段的歲月裡能得到較高的生活品質,亦期望能在未來的社會中看到真正的智能長照機構。


Abstract According to the Statistics Department of the Ministry of Interior, Taiwan officially entered the aged society on March, 2018, which means that old age population at 65 years old have accounted for more than 14% of the total population of Taiwan. If the data predict that Taiwan will enter the aged society in 2026, it means that old age population over 65 years old will exceed 20%. For this reason, no matter government units, social welfare institutions or private companies have set up Long term care centers such as nursing home, daycare center, nursing center, elderly center and physical disability care center in recent years. Long term care centers are being built rapidly, but the lack of service manpower is also testing the adaptability of the current long term care organizations. It is normal for intelligence device to be used in all long term care centers, but at present, there is little difference in those intelligence devices introduced by each long term care center, and no proper planning and adjustment has been made according to occupants' needs and management mechanism. Therefore, the question in this study is whether there is any difference when intelligence device is applied to long term care institutions of different sizes. If so, what are the differences? Is it possible to construct a professional intelligence system according to the needs generated by different long term care institutions? Only understanding the needs of long term care centers of different sizes and fit the service management mechanism of the exclusive intelligence devices can effectively reduce the loss of manpower and also provide better life and service quality for the elderly. Through three research methods of case analysis, in-depth interview and experiment, this study will understand exactly the differentiation of the intelligence system introduced by different scale long term care centers, and deeply understand the real needs of occupants and service personnel. According to the case of the initial study, it found that there is no significant difference in the infrastructure of using intelligence devices in long term care centers of different sizes, but in a thorough understanding of the special needs of different long term care groups and the management mode of various long term care centers are attributed to the fact that the existing intelligence device is not systematically tailored for the long term care centers of different sizes, so that it becomes an expensive decoration. In consequence, this study believes that only by building an intelligence system exclusive to the long term care center can the efficiency of intelligence device be brought into its proper function. The research results through interview process confirm there are needs in significant difference for intelligence devices required in long term care centers of different sizes, and even confirm the reasons of difference come from special requirement and management mechanism of occupant groups in long term care centers, further finding out design points exclusive to intelligence system of long term care centers. It is expected that exclusive intelligence system will be applied to long term care centers of different sizes, allowing intelligence device to guide the current caring manpower and provide the elderly with safer and more comfortable environment for them to enjoy higher life quality in their last period of life, and also expected that real intelligent long term care institutions can be seen in the future society.


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