  • 學位論文


Risk Assessment of Musculoskeletal Disorders in Repetitive Handling Work:A Case Study of Manufacturing Plant

指導教授 : 呂志維


勞動部勞工保險局及勞工安全衛生研究所統計資料顯示,我國的勞工因工作而導致患有重複性肌肉骨骼職業傷害的狀況相當嚴重,且屬於上肢肌肉骨骼疾病明顯偏高,因此如何消除或減低職業場所中,因工作站設計不當所帶來的傷害是很重要的課題。 本研究將運用實際工作現場為改善案例,請現場作業人員進行實際操作,藉由觀察及訪談得知,作業人員料件從揀料區存放架搬運至出貨棧板或手推車時,僅能以人工搬運,因該廠房存放之料件種類眾多,且部份料件體積龐大,所使用的揀料區存放架比標準棧板尺寸大上兩倍,使作業人員於揀料時,往往為了尋找料件而爬上存放架,導致作業人員揀取料件時的作業姿勢不良,而長期作業的影響之下,容易使作業人員產生重複性肌肉骨骼傷病,因此本研究將依據職業安全衛生法建議的方法與人因工程技術,藉以分析重複性作業與上肢的肌肉骨骼傷害成因,並提供改善建議,以消除或降低職業傷害。 經由KIM-LHC人工物料處理檢核表評估後,該製造業的作業人員所在的工作環境風險值為28,屬於中高負載,容易造成作業人員生理過載的情形,建議進行工作環境的改善。由於該製造設備並沒有以作業人員的角度進行規劃設計,因此本研究將請現場作業人員進行實際工作模擬,重複執行不同「料件放置距離(20公分、60公分)」及「人員站立高度(0公分、30公分)」組合的作業情形,探討在不同的作業情形下,作業人員將料件從揀料區存放架放置手推車時,對於作業人員作業時所帶來的主觀感受。 實驗共召募30位健康的受測者,在執行完搬運作業後透過主觀自覺施力評量的方式,藉以了解作業人員的主觀感受,藉由不同組合的問卷分析比較,探討「料件放置距離」及「人員站立高度」之間的關係,是否會給作業人員帶來負擔,並從中找出最合適的作業高度及改善建議。 研究結果顯示,本實驗的受測者在執行搬運作業時,料件的放置位置與人員站立位置所帶來的負擔有著顯著的差異,最後結果顯示料件放置距離20公分與人員站立高度0公分的組合最適合人員作業,為了給作業人員減少負擔本研究亦提供設備改善建議,藉以降低人員過度彎腰的機率,亦降低本案例作業人員罹患重複性肌肉骨骼職業傷害的風險。


According to Ministry of Labor, statistics from Bureau of Labor Insurance and Institute of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health shows a serious situation of suffering from repetitive work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WMSDs) among Taiwanese labors. Therefore, it is critical to eliminate or mitigate harm caused by improper workstation design in the working environment. A case study is conducted by observing actual operation and interviewing on-site workers. Due to diverse and bulky materials, the shelves are twice the size of a standard pallet. Workers are used to climb the shelves looking for the materials to be picked. This action results in poor working posture, which is easier for them to suffer from repetitive WMSDs in long term. The risk factor evaluated by KIM-LHC is 28, which implies a middle-high load. It is suggested to improve the working environment and mitigate the potential of physiological overload. This study requires the on-site workers to simulate their actual operations and repeat with different situation combining different material displacements (20com, 60com) and standing heights (0cm, 30cm). The experiment is going to investigate the influence of different operation situations on subjective feelings of workers when they handle materials from shelves in the picking area to trolley. There were 30 healthy subjects recruited and interviewed by the Rating of Perceived Exertion (RPE) system after handling tasks to comparing different combination of questionnaire analysis. This study investigated the relationship between material displacement and standing height affecting workers’ load, then, find out the most suitable height and improvement. The results shows there is a significant difference in load applied on the subjects with different material and standing positions; the combination of 20 cm material displacement and 0cm standing height is most suitable for handling operation. Equipment improvement is needed to mitigate the risk of over-bending and suffering from repetitive WMSDs.


1. 王正一,(1996),職業疾病監控實證研究-上肢傷害。行政院勞工委員會勞工安全衛生研究所。
2. 王安祥、黃淑倫、劉立文,(2012),工作引起的肌肉骨骼傷害。科學發展期刊,第472期。
3. 石東生、游志雲、張振平、陳志勇、潘儀聰,(2007),人因工程工作姿勢圖例(初版)。
4. 吳水丕、金清華、林岳勳,(2009),電梯安裝人員肌肉骨骼不適之人因研究。勞工安全衛生研究季刊,第十七卷,第一期,第29-49頁。
