  • 學位論文


The Application of Welding for LCM Appearance Design

指導教授 : 施延欣


顯示器可以說是現今社會家家必備的電器產品,且使用者對於顯示器的外觀要求也越來越重視,為了呈現現代感以及實現輕薄的設計,金屬前框已經是顯示器前框設計的主流。 以金屬前框來說,目前最常使用的材料仍以鍍鋅鋼板以及鋁合金為主,其原因是鍍鋅鋼板價格較低,且有其鋼板的強度,因此可以較薄的厚度來做設計,且與烤漆的結合性佳,因此外觀顏色多變;鋁合金的部分則是外型可多變化,能夠呈現立體感,使用陽極處理後的外觀質感極佳。 然而,為了節省材料的使用金屬前框的部分大多會拆件,不像塑膠前框是一體式的,而拆件的缺點就是在結合處會有間隙段差的問題,所以有些設計會將拆件好的前框再焊接在一起以避免這個現象,但是如何選擇焊接方式也是一門學問。 本論文以減少設計人員在開發期間耗費多餘的人力、時間以及金錢為出發點將目前顯示器前框常使用拆件式金屬前框的焊接方式 – 焊接以及摩擦熔接 – 作探討,並且比較其優缺點,亦以實驗驗證鍍鋅鋼板適合焊接、鋁合金適合摩擦熔接的論點。




Display products (television) have become one of essential home appliances; people become not only care about display picture quality but also thinner mechanic/light weight/stylish design. Those requirement makes metal front bezel becomes mainstream in display products design. Most common use of metal front bezel material are SECC(Steel Electrolytic Cold Common )and alumina; SECC has competitive price/better physical strength/various panting color choice(SECC is good material for painting) with ability in thinner design. Alumina physical propriety allowing making various shapes with anodizing process makes more stands out than other products. However is there design limitation on metal front bezel, in order to save material cost is to make one piece front bezel into four piece design; four piece front bezel may cause gap/step problem in front bezel joint area. One of solution is to weld front bezel together but there are many different welding methods how to choice become a topic for designers. The thesis is mainly focusing to save manpower/time/cost on design metal front bezel using welding of display product – welding and friction stir wielding - in studying of comparing advantage and disadvantage with experiment on SECC welding and alumina friction welding.




[1] 愛活網,網址:http://macnews.tistory.com/527
[2] 李隆盛(1985),焊接實習,新北市:全華圖書。
[3] 朱泰元(1987),熔接學,台北市:大中國。
[4] 何旭川教授,工廠實習教材,原文網址:
[5] 銘鐳激光(2016-07-01) ,焊接工藝革命——高功率激光焊接設備之鋁合金焊接每日頭條科技版原文網址: https://kknews.cc/tech/4qkoz3.html
