  • 學位論文


The Study of the Management System of Trade Secrets to Research Institutes

指導教授 : 耿筠


面對知識經濟時代的來臨,各國政府競相在這一波產業升級過程中取得優勢,而美國所強調的創新與研發精神,也促使各國對於智慧資產的重視。而我國在政府施行營業秘密法後,不但補充了其他智慧財產權的不足,更對於尚未取得權利的研發成果提供了有效之保護。 科學技術基本法規範了智慧財產權的下放政策,對研究機構造成了不小的影響,加上近年來發生的永豐紙業與四維膠帶竊取美國營業秘密的案件,突顯了國人未明確掌握相關的法律規定所受的傷害,因此盡快建立一套合理的管理機制乃成為經營管理之基本工作。 本研究之研究目的包括:(1)分析研究機構在實務上所採行的營業秘密管理制度;(2)分析國內法院判決,了解司法對於法規之解釋與執行營業秘密「合理管理」認定之見解;(3)研究美國相關判例,瞭解美國法院最新見解,從中研析出立法之未來趨勢,提供給國內研究機構及早建立制度之參考;(4)綜合探討管理面與法律面問題之配合,以建立營業秘密管理制度之檢核表;(5)提供其他研究機構設立營業秘密管理制度之參考依據。 本研究得到之研究發現有研究機構在人員管理及傳統文件管理已訂定完備之管理辦法,對於電子文件則有不同之做法,而媒介物管理上則產生了較大的困難;在競業禁止的代償措施上並無明文規定;並無對智慧資產進行保險的概念;以及美國法院認為保密義務之期限是有限制的。 作者針對研究發現提出以下建議:建立管理機制檢核表、管制影印機使用、避免侵犯員工隱私權之解決方式、進行資訊安全管理、對智慧財產進行保險、重新思考保密義務之期限、約定競業禁止之代償措施、要求員工另外簽署競業禁止契約、建立合理保護措施以及規定營業秘密之歸屬。 本研究第一章為緒論,第二章為文獻探討,第三章為研究方法,第四章為國內法院判決研析,第五章為個案分析,第六章為美國法院判例研析,第七章為研究結論與建議。


Facing the coming of knowledge-based economy age, governments are striving actively for advantage in industry upgrade. The spirits of innovation and R&D the United State placed emphasis on also have stressed other countries to understand the importance of intellectual property. With the administration of the Trade Secret Act, we have not only supplied the place of intellectual property right but also have added sufficient protection for the research performance which doesn’t have any intellectual property right. The policy of the Science and Technology Basic Law would had a great influence on research institutes, and there were two cases of stealing American trade secrets related with our enterprises recently. It is an essential work to set up reasonable management system as soon as possible. The purposes of thesis include five issues:first, it analyses the management system of trade secrets research institutes adopted. Second, it analyses the court’s verdict to realize how judge explain the law and what opinion they had for the “reasonable management” of trade secrets. Third, it provides a reference for research institutes to set up management system by researching related opinions of the United State. Fourth, the thesis probes into managerial and lawful problems entirely. And last, it expects the results of this thesis will become an important basis for other research institutes to set up management system of trade secrets. This research results was that research institutes had owned complete managerial methods of personnel and traditional documents. But they had had different ways to electrical documents. Furthermore, it was generated a great difficulty in management of medium. There was not a clear-sighted regulation in compensation of non-competitive clause, all research institutes didn’t have any ideas about insurance against theft of intellectual property, and courts of the United State believed the period to preserve confidentiality was limited. According to the discoveries of this research, it proposes some suggestions. For example, research institutes should use the check list to inspect the operation of management system, control the use of copy machine, avoid violating the individual confidential right, emphasize the importance of information security, insure the intellectual property against accident, think the time limitation of confidentiality obligation again, make an appointment with the compensation of non-competitive clause, request employee to sign a new non-competitive clause, practice reasonable measures and make sure the ownership of trade secrets.


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