  • 學位論文


On the Study of a Customer-Driven Attributable Quality Improvement Model—for Tape Converting Industry

指導教授 : 宮大川


今日處在企業競爭激烈的環境,「顧客滿意度」(Customer Satisfaction)已成為各企業極力追求的目標。從顧客之聲( Voice of the Customers )去瞭解他們的需求與期望,再提供符合客戶所需求的品質是相當重要的,然而企業組織要如何以更快腳步建立一個有效及正確的製程品質管制系統以掌握市場? 這不但是企業組織所極力追求著,且是企業能創造高品質、低成本產品及利潤的來源。 2000年修訂的ISO9001品質管理系統需求,將顧客的焦點納入條文中,要求適用該品質管理系統的企業組織需確認顧客的需求與期望,並將客戶的需求及期望轉換到各過程中的關鍵品質管制項目,以達成顧客滿意之目的。另外品質管理系統也要求企業組織應規劃與管理持續不斷改善所需的過程,使過程之聲( Voice of the Processes )即過程績效與顧客之聲能夠一致。 本研究是依ISO品質管理系統需求及P-D-C-A管理循環理念,選出適當的品質技術工具,做顧客導向的持續改善個案分析,其中包括主要四步驟:(1)將顧客的需求以品質機能展開法來給予量化,(2)運用腦力激盪及關連圖手法來找到影響顧客需求的要因,(3)以田口方法作計數值實驗分析,尋找關鍵製程特性的穩健參數條件,(4)再以統計製程管制手法做製程穩定性監測。 建立一個以顧客導向的計數值( attribute )品質改善之過程模式是本研究的目的,並以一膠帶加工業實際運用所結合的技術工具,驗證本研究過程的可行性與有效性。 關鍵字: 顧客滿意. 顧客之聲. 過程之聲


In order to complete in today’s fierce global market, most organizations are giving every effort to pursue a high level of customer satisfaction. To achieve this goal, it is important at first for an organization to understand customers’ needs and expectations from the voice of customers. Then an organization can set up a process to deliver products with qualities exactly needed by the customers. The key factor is that an organization must be able to speed up the process of establishing a proper and effective quality management system that can be implemented to produce desired outputs. Quality management system requirement of ISO 9001was revised in the year of 2000. Customers’ focus is included in it so as to require the organizations using key quality control of process to confirm with customers’ needs and expectations. Customers’ needs and expectations should be transformed into several key quality control items of the process to meet customers’ satisfaction. A quality management system also specifies that an organization should plan and manage the process of the continual improvement and make sure the voice of the process and voice of the customer to be aligned well. This study deals with the ISO quality management system requirement and management cycle concept of P-D-C-A. In particular, it recommends the use of several appropriate quality methodologies to conduct a case study of quality improvement from customer driven. There are four primary steps : (1) Use a QFD tool to transfer the customer needs to some measurable indices, (2) Conduct a brainstorming with interrelationship diagram tool to find out the causes of key quality characteristics of customer needs, (3) Conduct the attribute experiment of Taguchi Method to get the robust of the production, and(4) Use Statistic Process Control methodologies to monitor the stability of production. To set up a model with an attribute quality improvement process through customer driven is the major goal of this study. The combined methodologies were implemented in a tape converting production environment to verify the feasibility and effectiveness of this study. Key words: Customer Satisfaction, Voice of the Customer, Voice of the Process.


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