  • 學位論文


The Model of Employment of Mainland China Technician by Taiwan's SME

指導教授 : 蔡渭水


中小企業向為我國企業之主力,但是由於規模小且資源不足,因此缺發技術研發與產業升級之力量,藉助外力已成為提升自身技術研發能量之一個方法。直接引進研發或專業技術人才至組織內可以迅速將其所知傳播至組織各角落,組織則可藉此機會將這些知識儲存之組織內部以供現在及未來組織使用。 本研究採用個案研究之方法,以至投審會登記自大陸引進專業與研發人才之公司為研究對象。本研究發現台商自大陸引進人才類型受到技術特質、組織特質、環境特質與聘僱因素等四個因素所影響,並可將引進類型分為人才借用與人才聘僱型。若是廠商的技術領域與所需技術差距不大,則可採用聘僱型,若是廠商的技術領域與所需的技術差距很大,則可採用借用型的引進模式。根據本次研究之發現產生六個研究命題:1.廠商的過去經驗會影響大陸技術人才引進模式。2.合作雙方技術同質性會影響引進大陸技術人才模式。3.技術人才所擁有的技術之技術生命週期會影響技術人才引進模式。4.具有專利之技術會影響引進大陸技術人才模式。


大陸 科技管理 人力資源


Small-Medium Enterprises (SMEs) count most operation in Taiwan’s industries. However, their resources are largely limited by scale and not able to uphold technology competence, hence, to promote competence through outsourcing has been a feasible way. Among which, to employ researcher or specialist is most direct and efficient way for knowledge penetration and accumulation in SMEs. Seven cases selected from government list had been studied in this research. And found that the patterns of Mainland China technician employed by Taiwanese enterprises are affected by characteristics of technology, organization and environment together with employment terms. If the technical competence gap between the firm and technician was not significant then “Direct Employment” pattern was applied. While the gap was significant then “Indirect Employment” was adopted. Four hypotheses were derived from this research: 1.The mainland experience of firm will affect employment pattern. 2.The technology homogeneity of both sides will affect employment pattern. 3.The life cycle of the technology the technician owned will affect employment pattern 4.The patentability of the technology will affect employment pattern.


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