  • 學位論文


Development of A Portable Real Time Heart Rate Variability Monitoring System

指導教授 : 徐良育


本研究的目的在於建構一個可攜式的即時心率變異度監視系統,藉由個人數位助理 (PDA)與其提供的USB匯流排為傳輸介面傳資料,達到可即時分析所擷取的心電圖訊號◦ 在系統架構方面,因USB為一host-device架構的技術,而PDA為一個device的裝置,所以需設計一個USB的host線路作為資料溝通的主控者。系統主機端部分採用的主機控制器為ScanLogic公司生產的SL811HS host controller而微控器為德州儀器公司(TI) 生產的MSP430F149,負責控制主機控制器與PDA溝通以及將所擷取道的生理訊號作類比數位轉換◦PDA採用以WIN CE為作業系統的COMPAQ的iPAQ 3630C,將所收到的心電圖資料即時顯示波型與即時顯示心率變異度的分析圖形:Poincaré plots ◦ 為了驗證本系統的準確性,比較在相同的來源訊號下,PDA即時分析與PC離線分析所得到的結果◦實驗分為固定心率訊號分析以及臨床變動心率分析兩部分◦固定心率訊號以 HP 33120A信號發生器的心電圖模組產生而動態分析上則採用Valsalva maneuver對系統進行評估◦在動態分析上,兩者的皮爾森相關係數皆在0.93以上,顯示本系統的分析與PC離線分析相關度非常高◦


The goal of this research is to establish a real-time portable heart rate variability monitoring system, using a personal digital assistant (PDA) equipped with USB as its I/O interface. Because USB is a host-device structure technique and PDA is a device in this structure, a USB host circuit is needed as a controller for communicating between host and device. In this study, a MSP430F149 (Texas Instruments Co.) is used to control SL811HS host controller (ScanLogic Co.). Additionally, the analog-to-digital converter inside the MSP430F149 is used to convert the ECG signal into digital signal. A COMPAQ iPAQ pocket pc using WINCE as its operation system is selected as the platform to display ECG waveform and Poincaré plot immediately after the data are collected from USB. The results analyzed by PDA in real time are compare with those analyzed off-line by PC. For give fixed heart rates, generated by HP33120A function generator, those two methods show no difference in heart rate computation. On the other hand, the Valsalva maneuver is used to obtain dynamic heart rate changes. The results of clinical experiment indicate that those two method have very high correlation with r higher than 0.93. Thus, the system is proven to be reliable and accuracy.


WIN CE PDA USB real time heart rate variability portable


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