  • 學位論文

影響不同人格特質教授參與產學合作意願 之因素的研究

The Study of the Factors that Influence the Intention of Professors in Various Personal Characters Including Industry-University Cooperation

指導教授 : 耿筠


本研究之主要目的是在探討大學教授在參與產學合作時,所受到的影響因素,是否會因其不同的人格特質而有不同的結果。本研究採判斷抽樣及便利抽樣法,在第一階段與11位北部地區之大學教授進行訪談;第二階段以六種專業領域之全國各地大學教授作為問卷發放的對象,共計發出500份問卷,有效問卷123份,回收率達24.6%。資料分析方法包含次數及描述性分析、信度檢定、簡單回歸分析分析、複回歸分析、集群分析等。茲將分析結果摘述如下:   經由集群分析將樣本區分為四個類型教授:嘗試型教授、成就型教授、自我型教授與實做型教授。 經由信度分析與訪談結論所提出的修正後的研究假設,其驗證結果: (1)四群教授對於11項影響因素有相近的重要性認知; (2)學校資訊、學校資源、交流管道與學校效益對於嘗試型教授之產學態度有顯著的影響; (3)學校支持對於成就型教授之產學態度有顯著的影響; (4)11項影響因素對自我型教授均沒有顯著影響; (5)學校支持對於實做型教授之產學態度有顯著的影響; (6)四群教授對於公益因素均有高度的認知,且公益因素並不會影響四類型教授的產學意圖; (7)四類型的教授之產學合作的態度明顯會影響其參與產學合作的意圖。


The intent of this research is to find out the different personality characteristics of professor will influence professor join the University-Industry cooperation. This study has been used convenience sampling and purposive sampling. In the first, I had interview eleven professors who work in the north Taiwan. Second, this study target is the professor in the Taiwan.Total 500 sample copies were distributed, 123 effective copies were back, return rate 24.6%. The data analsis has included descriptive analsis, reliability analsis, sample regression, multiple regression and cluster analsis.The result as follows comes after analyzing: Firstly, 123 effective copies were divide in four types by cluster analsis. Type A is reattempt-professor. Type B is achievement- professor. Type C is subjective professor. Type D is applied professor. Secondly, my report obtains following concusions: (1) Four groups have similar sensitiveity about eleven factors. (2) In Type A , there is a significance relationship among University-information, University-resource, Contact channel , University-benefit and attitude; (3) In Type B , there is a significance relationship between University-support and attitude; (4) In Type C, all of eleven factors can not influence his attitude; (5) In Type D , there is a significance relationship between University-support and attitude; (6) Four groups all have high sensitiveity about commonweal factor, and commonweal factor can not influence their intention; (7) There is a significance relationship between attitude and intention in all of four groups.


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