  • 學位論文

在環境不確定因素下探討供應鍊管理對 經營績效之影響—以裕隆集團之兩汽車廠為例

A Study of the Influences of Supply Chain Management(SCM)to Business Performance Under Environment Uncertainties— A Case of Both Car Company of Taiwan Yulon Group

指導教授 : 嚴奇峰


摘 要 近年來對於供應鍊管理的議題,廣受學術界及實務界的重視。並且有越來越多的研究顯示企業能藉由供應鍊管理來降低環境不確定因素的影響及有助於提升企業的經營績效。但基於國內汽車市場已趨飽和及大陸的廣大商機之下,包括國內車廠在內的全球汽車製造商紛紛在大陸投資設廠。然而,兩岸汽車產業型態可說是大相逕庭。於是本研究先針對環境不確定因素性質及供應鍊管理策略進行文獻探討,確認出環境不確定因素來自供應商、消費者、競爭者及政府政策;在供應鍊管理策略方面則包括供應商選擇及合夥關係管理。本研究再針對環境不確定因素、供應鍊管理策略以及兩者對經營績效的影響進行實証研究。 本研究是針對目前裕隆集團所屬的裕隆及中華兩汽車廠及其供應商作為研究對象。以個案研究方式,分別深入訪談個案公司中負責供應鍊管理之部門主管及所屬的承辦部屬。訪談結果經分析後,發現下列現象: (1) 國內汽車產業雖然已發展40餘年,但因受限於主客觀因素,整車開發技術始終掌握在技術母廠手中,國內汽車廠大多僅從事裝配與銷售的業務。在個案訪談中發現,成車成本中原料及零組件約佔65﹪。因此,供應鍊管理在汽車廠之經營績效中扮演舉足輕重的角色。 (2) 在國內汽車產業中,已有完整地中衛制度在從事供應鍊管理,另外各汽車廠也透過協力會來強化與供應商之間的夥伴關係。如此不僅能提升汽車廠本身的財務績效,同時也提升供應商的生產技術與經營管理能力,進而也提升了整體汽車產業的競爭力。 (3) 由於國內汽車市場已趨成熟及飽和。各汽車廠為提升經營績效,除了強化行銷能力外,也積極拓展相關的水平周邊產業的市場。因此使得本研究個案公司的供應鍊成員由原本單純的汽車零組件製造商延伸到其他周邊產業,包括:金融保險業、通路零售業及通訊業。所以未來的供應鍊管理將更為多元及複雜。 本研究將針對研究結果提出對實務界與學術界的貢獻,並提出對未來有興趣從事相關研究之學者一些研究上的建議。


Abstract In recent years, the issue of supply chain management has brought about extensive discussion in academic study and practical appliance. And also, more and more studies reveal that supply chain management can help enterprises decrease impact of uncertain factors of environment and promote business performance. On the other hand, based on saturating Taiwanese automobile market and huge business opportunity in Mainland Chain, global automobile manufacturers are investing and manufacturing in Mainland Chain. Nevertheless, the market in Taiwan is very different from in Mainland China. This study can be divided into two parts: literature review and practical study. This study started from reviewing literature of quantities of uncertainly factors of environment and supply chain management strategies. At first, major source of uncertain factors on which come from suppliers, consumers, competitors and government police is can be defined. And also we can define that the supply chain management strategies include supplier selection and partnership management. Afterward, the influence of both uncertainly factor of environment and supply chain management strategies on business performance is analyzed by empirical study. This study subjects focus on Yulon Motor and China Motor, which belong to Yulon Group Taiwan, and their suppliers. The method of study adopts case study. After deep interviewing with the managers and staffs, who charge with supply chain management, the following results are found: (1) Taiwanese automobile industry has developed for 40 years. But under restrictive conditions, key technology is still held by mother-company. And Taiwanese automobile companies principally carry on assembling car and marketing. From interview, we find that raw material and parts occupies 65% of total cost. So, supply chain management plays an important role in Taiwanese automobile companies. (2) Taiwanese automobile industry already has have central-satellite system to handle supply chain management. On the other hand, Taiwanese automobile companies also have built up cooperative association to reinforce partnership with parts supplier. Therefore, it isn’t only upgrading financial performance of automobile companies but also improving manufacturing technology and management capability of suppliers. At last it also promote competition of whole Taiwanese automobile industry. (3) Taiwanese automobile market is so mature and saturated. Due to promote business performance, automobile companies aggressively enforce marketing capability and develop the market of peripheral industries. This study finds that supplier members among study subjects have extended from automobile parts makers to other peripheral industries, including financial insurance, retail channel and communication. Undoubtedly, supply chain management will become more multiple and complex in the future,.


8. 台灣地區車輛工業同業公會,www。Ttvma.org.tw
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劉金談(2006)。供應鏈協作對企業競爭力影響之研究 —以U家具公司為例—〔碩士論文,中原大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6840/cycu200600201
