  • 學位論文


Comparative Study on the Working time between Taiwan and Germany-Focusing on the Flexibility of Working time

指導教授 : 林更盛


本論文之研究主題為「工時彈性化」,以文獻分析方式,介紹我國與德國法制上,工作時間彈性化制度之規定,並以比較法方式,將我國與德國相關之工作時間制度相互比較,藉以了解我國工時彈性化之立法優缺點,並試圖參酌德國工時法制規定,以作為我國工時彈性化之參考借鏡。 本論文之架構共分為七章:第一章說明本論文撰寫之動機及採用之研究方法,再者對於本論文之研究範圍加以界定,並稍加說明各章節之內容。第二章介紹一般工作時間制度,其內容主要在於我國勞基法上工作時間規定,以及德國工時法上之工作時間規定,並以比較法觀點論述兩國規定之差異。 第三章介紹變形工時制度,其內容主要在於我國勞基法第三十條與第三十條之一之新修法規定,以及德國工時法第三條後段之規定,同時比較兩國規定之差異,並對於我國變形工時法制提出建議。第四章介紹彈性工時制度,其內容主要為德國彈性工時制度之實施運作情況,彈性工時制度之種類,以及相關之法律問題,他山之石可以攻錯,提供我國實施彈性工時制度之參考。 第五章介紹部份工時制度,其內容主要在於德國部分工時類型中的召喚工作與工作分享,試圖透過召喚工作與工作分享之探討,提供我國工時彈性化之另一參考依據。第六章介紹工時規定全面排除,它也屬於工時彈性化方式的一種,在我國主要透過勞基法第八十四條之一的排除條款規定,而德國主要透過工時法第七條以下之工時規定排除條款,以團體協約方式另行約定工作時間規定,同時比較兩國規定之差異,並對於我國工時規定全面排除提出建議。 第七章則是結論,總結前述各章節之討論內容,並提出相關修法建議,認為我國除了應擴大變形工時規定之彈性空間,增加工時彈性化之立法規定外,也應該降低勞基法對於勞動條件規定之限制,放寬勞雇雙方能夠以團體協約、勞動契約或其他方式另行約定勞動條件之空間,期望能對我國工時彈性化之法制建構有所裨益。


This thesis mainly concentrates on the issue of flexibility of working time. This thesis introduces the regulations of the flexibility of working time by analyzing their backgrounds and differences between Taiwan and Germany. Finally, it provides suggestions in order to promote the flexibility of working time by adopting Germany legal system. The scheme of this thesis is divided into seven chapters as follows: Chapter 1 illustrates the incentives for writing and the methodologies adopted in this thesis. In addition, this part defines the realms of the research and briefly describes the contents of the relevant chapters. Chapter 2 lays stress on the regulations of the normal working time between ‘The Labor Standards Law’ in Taiwan and ‘Arbeitszeitgesetz’ in Germany. Then it compares the differences of the regulations between the two countries. Chapter 3 discusses the contrast between Taiwan and Germany regulations on distribution of working time, and then proposes guidelines of promoting the distribution of working time for modification. Chapter 4 introduces ‘Gleitzeit’ system in Germany laws and estimates the feasibility of practicing ‘Gleitzeit’ system in Taiwan. Chapter 5 demonstrates the ‘part-time work’ system in Germany, and tries to introduce the notion of ‘Kapovaz’ and job sharing as the reference of adapting these systems into domestic regulations in the future. Chapter 6 analyzes the escape clause of the regulations on working time. The escape clause of the regulations on working time is one of flexible working time system. It is regulated in the form of ’Collective Agreement’ in Germany laws. Apart from the analysis, this part will also contrast Taiwan’s with Germany’s current regulatory framework on comparative legal study basis. Chapter 7 concludes the former discussions and propositions of this thesis. Then it tentatively contours and proposes the prospects of establishing Taiwan’s regulatory scheme of the flexibility of working time to promote the modification and adoption of the system in the future.


Gleitzeit Arbeitszeitgesetz Arbeitszeit Job sharing KAPOVAZ


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彭常榮(2004)。勞動者爭議行為合法性研究 以醫師罷工為中心〔碩士論文,中原大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6840/cycu200400077
