  • 學位論文


The Present State and Characteristics of Working Rules in Taiwan-an Analysis of Banking Industry

指導教授 : 吳姿慧


影響受僱者之勞動條件,除勞動契約之約定內容外,尚有適用於各就業場所之工作規則。銀行業在納入適用勞動基準法以前,各金融機構依其組織及管理需要,訂有各自之管理規章,或稱「人事管理辦法」,或稱「員工工作管理要點」,為瞭解占本國勞動人口有一定比例之銀行業者,其訂定工作規則之現況,遂以我國銀行業者作為本研究之實證對象,探討其納入勞基法適用後訂定工作規則之現況。 本論文研究之目的,希望藉由蒐集不同經營主體之銀行業所訂定之工作規則,分別依形式及內容二個面向進行歸納與分析,期待透過對於銀行業訂定工作規則之實施現況有一初步認識後,進一步瞭解銀行業與其他產業在訂定工作規則上有無特殊之處外,對於受僱銀行業之勞工而言,銀行業於訂定工作規則有無缺失或不足之處,進而分析並提出可能的因應措施及改進建議,以作為銀行業訂定工作規則時之參考。 在研究方法及內容上,本研究主要採文獻蒐集、分析,並比較實證對象訂定之工作規則內容,做成歸納後進行分析。申言之,本研究首先從行政機關、學說及司法實務對於有關工作規則法律性質及其主要爭議予以整理,從中歸納各界對於工作規則之相關見解與實務運用的態度後,次從國內不同經營主體之銀行業所訂定之工作規則開始蒐集,並依據勞基法第70條規範工作規則應訂定之項目為主要比較內容。最後,依本研究針對銀行業者於訂定工作規則之現況,歸納出共通性問題,並對銀行業於訂定工作規則時應如何修正,提出建議。 經本文研究發現,銀行業在訂定工作規則時,形式上大致符合現行法規定訂定有工作規則,亦依程序報請主管機關核備,並藉由銀行內部網路、公布欄或其他公開方式使員工得隨時閱覽知悉。而除訂定有報請主管機關核備之工作規則外,各銀行常有以單項訂定規範為補充規定之工作規則,例如「全勤獎金發放辦法」、「不休假獎金發放要點」及相關考績或獎懲辦法。在內容上,本國銀行常見以勞基法之規定為範本訂定工作規則,外商銀行訂定之內容則較為詳細;整體相較之下,外商銀行之作法較符合工作規則訂立之目的。


It does matter working conditions of employed workers, in addition to the contents of the labor contract, there are also working rules apply to all places of employment. Before the banking industry included in the Labor Standards Law, the financial institutions may set their own management regulations so-called “Personnel Management Handbook " or "Personal Work Manual" according to their organizational and management needs respectively. Considering there is a certain percentage of employed workers of banking industry and wondering are the working rules reasonable, by researching the present state and characteristics of the banking industry setting working rules since its application of the Labor Standards Law may provide us a further understanding through this article. The purpose of this article is by collecting and analyzing the working rules set by the different business entities in the banking industry, this article discusses in accordance with the form-oriented and content-oriented method to understand more of how the banking industry set working rules. After having a better knowing of the implementation of the current situation, this article keeps examine from the view of the banking employed workers whether there is an absence or deficiencies of the working rules set by the banking industry. In research methodology, this article uses literature to collect, analyze, and compare the content of the working rules set by certain banks as research objects as above mentioned. Study starts with discussing the legal nature and the controversy of working rules from the view of executive, doctrine and judicial practice. Then by examining of the actual cases, summarize views on the attitude of all relevant insights and practical use of the working rules in accordance with section 70 of the Labor Standards Law. Lastly, according to the summary of the common problem in accordance with the comparison and conclusion of the present state and characteristics of working rules, this article makes the suggestion of amendment for the baking industry. Generally speaking, the banking industry in Taiwan complies with the Labor Standards Law to set working rules in due form. In other words, they submit working rules in accordance with the procedures to concerned authorities for approval and publish them by the way of bank's internal network, or bulletin boards, or any other ways which employees may understand. In addition to the working rules, banks set to a single chapter specification for the working rules as supplements as well. Contrasting domestic banks with foreign banks, the former are more common to set working rules according to the provisions of the Labor Standards Law as a template, while the latter are more common to set working rules in a specific way. Taking a general view of contents, to set working rules in a specific way is more in line with the purpose of the work rules to make.


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