  • 期刊


The Development and Inspiration of Determining Working Time and Stand-By Time in Japan


我國勞動基準法對於工作時間進行許多規範,但是勞基法上工作時間之意義爲何,並沒有詳細且明確之規定,因此在學說上產生許多解釋。此也導致對於某一時間帶是否爲工作時間,在實際認定上產生問題與爭議。特別是勞工在工作場所的待命時間,是否應認定爲工作時間,在勞資之間時常引起爭議。 工作時間的意義與認定,在日本也有類似的問題與討論,學說上也存在著爭論。不過,日本最高法院於2000年主張勞基法上之工作時間爲「勞工於雇主指揮命令下的時間」,試圖確立其判斷基準。並且陸續於其他判決,對於假寐時間等不活動的時間,主張由於其並未從勞動中獲得解放之保障,因此該時間應爲在雇主指揮監督之下的工作時間。 本文整理我國在工作時間與待命時間認定之相關問題,並且透過日本法制、學說與實務發展之介紹與檢討,以提供我國學界及實務思考的方向。


Although the Labor Standards Act establishes the standards of principle set out for working time, it does not offer a clear definition of working time. Therefore, the definition of working time has resulted in various academic interpretations. The lack of a concrete definition for working time has also led to debates on whether a period of time during work shall be regarded as working time in practice, especially the frequent disputes between the employees and the employers on whether the stand-by time shall be counted as part of the working time for those in the labor workforce. There has been similar discussion and academic debate on the meaning and definition of working time in Japan. However, in 2000, the Supreme Court of Japan has held that the definition of working time is ”the time that a worker is under his or her employer's direction and supervision” in order to set forth a principal. In other cases, the court has held that the nap time or other time when the employees did not perform the work should be treated as being the working time under the employer's direction and supervision because the worker is not released from the work. The aim of this article is to analyze the dispute regarding the determination of the definition for working time and the stand-by time in Taiwan as well as to provide feasible direction for the those legal professionals in the academic field and those in the practice by introducing and criticizing the development of the legal regime, the theory and the practices in Japan.


臺灣勞動法學會編(2005)。勞動基準法釋義。新學林出版公司=Sharing Culture Enterprise Co., Ltd.=xin xue lin chu ban gong si。
黃程貫(1997)。勞動法。國立空中大學=National Open University=guo li kong zhong da xue。
黃越欽(2006)。勞動法新論。翰蘆圖書出版公司=Han Lu Book=han lu tu shu chu ban gong si。
劉志鵬(1996)。勞動法解讀。月旦出版公司=Angle Publishing Co., Ltd.=yue dan chu ban gong si。


