  • 學位論文


A Study of Recruiting Strategies and Student Profiles Using Data Warehouse and Data Mining

指導教授 : 李維平


在教育政策中將大學改制為多元入學方式招生之際,學校及各系所將能依其特色招募適合的人才,提供客觀且有助益的資料輔助招生人員策略規劃之運用,將能有助於提高學生素質,提昇學校競爭力。 本研究以中原大學為例,主要分析及挖掘86學年至90學年大學部學生成績與其學籍資料,進行知識的發現,其研究目標有六項: 一、整合異質、分散於不同資料庫的學生成績資料與學生學籍資料,透過文獻探討的方式,提出最易於維護、最能有效進行分析的招生資料倉儲架構與建置步驟。 二、本研究藉由分析歷史資料中入學身份與成績表現的關係,歸納所發掘的現象,協助各系所在辨理推薦甄試與申請入學的招生作業中,能在眾多申請者中,以客觀的資訊輔助遴選出最適才適所的學生。 三、分析畢業學校與成績表現的關係,協助招生策略規劃人員在選擇行銷重點學校時的參考。 四、將各學院及各學系學生居住地區、入學身份、畢業高中的分佈情形視覺化,以統計圖表方式呈現,以協助趨勢分析的作業。 五、採用資料探勘的決策樹分析方法,挖掘學生入學的學籍資料與成績表現間的規則,即找出「居住地區」、「入學身份」和「畢業學校類別」在學生素質之分析結果中所扮演的角色,。 六、最後,根據上述的分析結果,提出招生策略及建議,以供招生策略制定人員與各系所遴選學生時之參考。


When the educational policy changes to multiple enrollment program, each school and department can recruit suitable students. Objective and helpful data will assist administrative person with strategy planning, and then these information will promote student quality and raise the competition of school. This search target is Chung Yuan Christian University, and the data resources are scores databases and profile databases from 86 to 90 academic year. The main research objects are following: 1.To apply efficient architecture of data warehouse and design procedure to integrate exotic and distributed student databases through academic research. 2.This study will analyze the relationship between school admission type and academic performance, and the finding of the results is collected to be a great contribution to support the workload of admission application, and recommendation entrollment. Furthermore, these data must help to choose the “right” person via objective information from many applicants. 3.To provide reference documents concerning how to choose marketing target school by analyzing the relationship between education background and academic performance. 4.To make trend analysis in residents, school admission type, and education background by using statistical chart. 5.To mine the If-Then rules of what is the key factor of academic achievement by using Decision Tree Analysis, and find the relationship between semester final scores and profile data including residents, school admission type, and education background. 6.Finally, based on the results, suggestions for educational administration agencies, universities, teachers and future study were proposed.


Data Warehouse Decision Tree OLAP Data Mining


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