  • 學位論文


The efficiency of market responses to initial mandatory financial forecasts in Taiwan

指導教授 : 林維珩


摘 要 本研究旨在探討股價對原始強制性財務預測反應之效率性。本文首先,以管理當局前期預測有用性(prior forecast usefulness, PFU)作為衡量管理當局預測能力的代理變數,將樣本區分為預測能力較佳與較差的管理當局,採用Mishkin (1983) 的架構檢驗原始強制性財務預測發佈後,市場之反應;並藉由觀察股價的反應,以探討市場是否存在一理性機制,適當地定價原始強制性財務預測所含未來盈餘的預期。其次,將原始強制性財務預測按照大小分成五個投資組合,觀察最高組與最低組的投資組合是否具有顯著異常報酬,以作為市場無效率的佐證。 實證結果發現,當前期預測有用性低的管理當局發佈原始強制性財務預測時,股價可以正確反應原始強制性財務預測所含未來盈餘的預期,符合效率市場假說;當前期預測有用性高的管理當局發佈原始強制性財務預測時,股價低估原始強制性財務預測所含未來盈餘的預期,最高組與最低組的投資組合均具有顯著異常報酬,證實市場無效率。本研究結果顯示,市場無法辨識原始強制性財務預測品質之不同且對前期預測有用性高的管理當局所發佈的盈餘預測信賴不足,利用對好消息或壞消息均反應不足的現象,形成一個對沖投資組合(hedged portfolio)。 關鍵字:股價、強制性財務預測、市場效率性、前期預測有用性


Abstract This study examines the efficiency of stock price responses to the initial mandatory financial forecasts. To isolate the effect of differential forecast quality, the sample is first divided by prior forecast usefulness (PFU), a measure of management forecast quality. The market responses to initial management forecasts is then examined under Mishkin (1983) framework. The extent of rationality of the stock prices responses indicates whether the future earnings implication embedded in the forecasts is priced appropriately. Market inefficiency is further verified via the existence of excess returns from holding top quintile and bottom quintile portfolios. The Mishkin test result for low PFU initial forecasts indicates that stock prices fully reflect the future earnings implication embedded in the initial mandatory financial forecasts. Non-existence of excess returns for the portfolios confirm that the market efficiently reacts to these forecasts. On the other hand, for the high PFU forecasts, the Mishkin test result suggests that the market is too conservative to the future earnings implications embedded in the initial mandatory financial forecasts. Significant excess returns on the portfolio of top and bottom quintiles confirm market inefficiency. The evidence suggests that the market fails to discern differential quality of mandatory financial forecasts and places insufficient confidence on those high PFU forecasts. Under-reactions to both good news and bad news high PFU forecasts can be exploited via forming a hedged portfolio. Keywords:Stock prices, Mandatory financial forecasts, Market efficiency , Prior forecast usefulness.


