  • 學位論文


Assessment on the Evacuation Safety of Exposition Activity in Large Interior Exhibition Area--- Case Study of Taipei Trade Show Center

指導教授 : 胡寶林 雷明遠


大型空間展覽設計所衍生的緊急疏散問題,為當前公共安全的一個盲點。室內原有的安全出口及避難方向標示,在舉辦展覽活動時會出現變化,亦即在展覽期間因展覽之臨時設施、裝置與動線重劃,造成可視範圍受限與動線阻隔,因此安全標示與疏散引導往往不易被參觀展覽的群眾發現及有效使用。人潮擁擠的高密度、展示裝置處處設立且緊鄰不分、動線的再分割,其中所隱含的不確定風險,令人對安全感到疑慮。各展覽攤位的設置多著重造型及意象的設計,爭相競艷,對於視覺感官的混雜及避難安全的影響並不太重視,如遇緊急必要之疏散情況,非但參展者本身無法應變,甚至參觀者亦將無法及時反應。鑑此,本研究以台北世貿中心第一展覽館之展覽案例作為調查研究對象,探討避難安全之現況問題,並提出避難安全改善及評估方式建議。 本研究經實際現場調查後,歸納發現的問題有:展覽物間隔過密、臨設展示隔間阻斷動線、安全標示之指引方向不明、裝修物遮蔽緊急出口、安全標示燈失效等問題,對此本研究提出對應之建議對策,以提供展覽設計規劃與管理之參考。 此外,本研究針對台北世貿展覽場展覽期間之空間配置進行分析,先對不同性質之10場展覽活動進行不同時效容留人數調查,再以日本避難安全檢證法試算,評估台北世貿展覽場的避難逃生效能。世貿中心展覽館使用人口密度規定值定為1.5人/m2,館定收容人數上限之容留人數常態值為61,053~77,264人,本研究調查與檢證計算發現,該展覽場使用人口密度約在0.48~1.49人/m2之間,而展覽場最大容留人數約為49,000人,顯示密度過高的情形;影響世貿各展逃生時間的計算值為通過出口所需之時間,這顯示展覽中心的開口並未被有效的被管制與利用;檢證法所計算的世貿各展覽之避難完成時間與展覽使用人口密度/展覽館定使用人口密度的差異;以展覽現況調查使用人口密度計算之避難完成時間為標準值,與日本檢證規範密度之最大避難時間比較,以日本檢證法所計算的世貿各展覽之避難完成時間在8.0~10.8分鐘之間,比較與展覽使用人口密度/館定使用人口密度的差異;以展覽現況調查使用人口密度計算之避難完成時間在7.9~15.9分鐘之間以其為標準值,與日本檢證密度最大避難時間比較出現有不足4分鐘的差距,以館定的使用人口密度計算最大也出現不足6.9分鐘的差距。以上顯示使用人口密度的管制有高估的情形,世貿中心額定的容留人數管制量偏高,容留管制的使用人口密度有修正的必要。


Issue of emergent evacuation in the large space exposition facility is a blind spot in our public safety. The marking of exit and exit access will be affected when the exhibitions are held. In other words, temporary exhibition facilities and rearranged access pathways of will limit the vision scopes and block the pathway during the period of exhibition. Therefore, it is not always easy for the mass of people to find effectively the exit signs and indications of evacuation directions. High mass of the people, compact show devices setting up around and segmentation of the access pathways together lead to risk an uncertain factor, which is worth doubting about safety. The setup of every stall is focused on the design of style and images so that, the confusion of visible sense and the negative influence of escape safety are ignored. In the case of emergency that the action of evacuation is necessary, not only the exhibition attendants, but also the visiting people will not respond immediately. In light of this, the current problems of escape safety as described as above were studied through the investigation on the exhibition cases in the First Exhibition Hall of the suggestions and assessment methods. Taipei Trade Show Center(TTSC), in order to propose improving. According to the on-site investigations some issues of problem such as the narrow separation, the blocked pathways by temporary exhibition facilities, the uncertain direction of exit access marking, the covered exits by some decorative, the failure of safety marking light, and so on. Were outlined, furthermore, the proposed solutions were correspondingly outlined as well in order to offer advice for the exhibition design programming and management. The official population density of the exhibition hall of the Taipei Trade Show center is 1.5 persons/m2, containable population ceiling is 61053~77264 persons. The result showed that the density of the exhibition hall in the Taipei Trade Show center is much concentrated, affecting the escape time of the Taipei Trade Show center. It indicates that the exits of the exhibition hall don’t be properly used. The escape time calculating by the Japan verification method lasts between 8.0~10.8 minutes. The investigation of the present exhibitions calculated in terms of the density of population indicates that the escape time is between 7.9~15.9 minutes. The control of population density is evaluated loosely and the official population control volume is too high. This means that it is necessary to revise the occupant load density for purpose of management control.


【19】 M. B. N. Horasan (1999)Occupant Evacuation and Orientation Problems in Large Halls-An exhibition Building Case Study, FIRE AND MATERIALS Fire Master.23,369~373。
【39】J.Fruin,1971,Pedestrian Planning and Design
【1】 雷明遠、鄭琮琰,2003,大型室內展覽會場設計之避難引導問題,消防與防災,第四期,82~85。
【2】 內政部消防署,1995,84年內政部消防報告書,內政部。


