  • 學位論文


The Effects of Cognitive Inconsistence, Practice and Anticipation on Visual - Auditory Perceptual Fusion

指導教授 : 孫慶文 鄭谷苑


摘 要 當聽覺事件與視覺事件出現的時間和空間距離都接近但卻來源不完全相同時,其中一項知覺訊息與另一項知覺訊息會產生空間上的交互作用。換句話說,即是其中一項感官刺激的訊息受到另一項感官刺激訊息的影響或干擾而在空間知覺上產生偏移的現象。這類視聽覺訊息在空間知覺上交互作用的現象可統稱為「腹語術」(ventriloquism)的現象。認知因素與訊息結構的因素對腹語術現象的影響,一直是受爭議的議題,而本研究主要在探討認知不一致、練習與預期等認知因素對腹語術現象的影響。 我們採用擬生活化的實驗材料來呈現視覺與聽覺刺激,要求受試者對實驗影片中人員所唸出雙字詞進行覆誦並計算覆誦正確率以排除傳統位置判斷法的缺失。本研究共進行三個實驗,實驗一採視覺訊息呈現位置(左螢幕/右螢幕)與視聽訊息認知一致性(一致/不一致)2 × 2二因子混合設計;實驗二採視覺訊息呈現位置(左螢幕/右螢幕)與視聽覺認知不一致訊息的練習與否(練習/不練習)2 × 2二因子混合設計;實驗三採視覺訊息呈現位置(左螢幕/右螢幕)與視聽訊息認知不一致可否預期(可預期/不可預期)2 × 2二因子混合設計,依變項皆為覆誦正確率,分別探討認知一致性、練習效果與預期對腹語術現象中知覺融合的影響。每個實驗有六十位受試者,共計180位受試者參與實驗。 實驗結果顯示,認知一致性與預期對視覺與聽覺訊息在空間上的整合會產生一定程度的影響;練習則無法改變受試者原先的認知狀態,對整合效果並不產生影響。這樣的結果,支持個體認知因素對此類事件的影響,而本研究的研究方法亦是一項突破。


Abstract When auditory and visual events occur closely in time domain but at somewhat disparate spatial locations, the source localization of one modality interacts with that of the other modality in characteristic ways. That is, the spatial localization of one modality will be biased toward the other modality. We use the collective term “Ventriloquism” to call all these similar auditory-visual spatial interactions. The influences of cognitive factors and physical structure factors on ventriloquism are a controversial issue. In this study, we tested these cognitive factors such as Cognitive Inconsistence, Practice and Anticipation to see how they influence the ventriloquism phenomena. We used fairly realistic materials to present visual and auditory stimulations. Subjects were asked to repeat Chinese double-character terms, and we counted the ratio of correct to avoid the defects in conventional position-judgment methods. There are three experiments in our study. In experiment 1, we used visual stimulus positions(left / right)and the visual-auditory cognitive consistence(consistence / inconsistence)as independent variables in a 2 × 2 mixed design;in experiment 2, we used the visual stimulus positions(left / right)and practices(practice / non-practice)as independent variables in a 2 × 2 mixed design;in experiment 3, we used the visual stimulus positions(left / right)and anticipation(anticipation / non- anticipation)as independent variables in a 2 × 2 mixed design. The dependent variables are response correct-ratios to test the cognitive factors such as Cognitive Inconsistence, Practice and Anticipation how to influence ventriloquism. There were 60 subjects participated in each experiment, and totally there were 180 subjects participating this study. The findings of the present study suggested that: the magnitudes of visual-auditory perceptual fusion were influenced by cognitive inconsistence and anticipation, but were not influenced by practice. The results showed the influences of cognitive factors on ventriloquism and a new experiment paradigm was suggested.


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