  • 學位論文


Construction of an Integrated Logistic Vehicle Dispatching Information System in the UML

指導教授 : 宮大川


在強調速度、競爭力以及成本效益的今天,全球運籌的觀念已經成為企業策略的擬定的一項考量,但不論談及供應鏈管理、e-logistics、物流等方面,實體物流都是串流其中,連接每一個作業環節重要的關鍵點,實體配送上運作的良窳,關係到供應鍊上游至下游的每個環節能否流暢無縫的銜結,以此創造企業的最大價值。故本研究是從實體物流角度出發,以台灣物流現況作為系統構模的基礎環境,發展並建構一整合性物流派車系統,並著眼於中國大陸物流市場的蓬勃發展,故所發展之系統亦能夠在廣度上面適用於中國大陸之物流環境。 本研究為能夠切合實務並且使設計之系統架構與內容合乎邏輯與系統化,將整合性物流派車系統之發展與構模分成兩階段進行。第一階段發展整合性物流派車系統的內容與雛型架構,並針對所發展的各子系統與其細部模組之作業內容詳加描述,最後並且對所發展的物流派車系統其於中國大陸物流環境上之適用性做一個檢視與評估;第二階段是根據第一階段所劃分出的子系統及其子系統內容,以統一化塑模語言進行資訊系統與其作業流程的展現,在系統構模呈現的最後,透過本研究於問題假設與限制中所設定的相關準則,進行系統的驗證與功能對照。 本研究發展的主軸中心是以物流中心管理者的角度作為切入點,透過UML的使用案例觀點和流程觀點兩觀點建構所發展之整合性派車系統,以此表現出整合性派車系統的系統整體與功能以及其系統動態流程。


Today’s business is more strongly driven by competitiveness than ever before. Enterprises are forced to reorganize their business processes, to be able to react quickly and cost effectively on fast changing market demands. It seems that Global Logistics has been being parts of strategy of every industry, however, regardless of the Supply Chain Management (SCM), e-Logistics, Logistics etc. the Physical Logistics is all running through each of them. To increase an enterprise’s value, Physical Logistics becomes a key issue involved in every stage and makes its operations more seamlessly in a multi-echelon supply chain system. The main purpose of this research is to develop an integrated logistic vehicle dispatching system which is based on the aspect of the Physical Logistics view on the current Taiwan logistics environment. Furthermore, this system could be used widely on China logistic environment. To make this research to be practical, logical and systematical, this system is solved in two stages. At the first stage, it addresses to develop and construct a prototypical modeling of integrated logistic vehicle dispatching system, besides that, it also has done the evaluation of using this system in China logistic environment. At the second stage, it displays the information procedures based on the content in first stage by Unified Modeling Language. Finally, using some criterions to do system function and verification comparison. The majority view of this research starts on a manager who works on logistics industry and by using Use Case View and Process View to show the overall functionality of this system and its dynamic system procedures.


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