  • 學位論文


Consumers' Searching Behavior on the Internet─Analysis of classroom experiments

指導教授 : 楊奕農


因網路科技的進步及網際網路的普及,使電子商務的市場潛力無限,這可能使消費者的購物習慣,由傳統的電話變成網際網路。但是值得探討的是以網際網路來進行商品資訊的搜尋,是否真的比傳統的搜尋方式更有效率? 本研究的目的即是以實驗的方式取得資料,以探討利用網路的搜尋是否比利用電話的搜尋更有效率,及各種可能的影響變數對搜尋行為的影響、並驗證搜尋理論。本研究在實驗經濟學的原則下,以搜尋理論為基礎,模擬消費者真實的搜尋行為設計三個實驗及問卷,並以89學年度中原大學國貿系一乙的學生為樣本進行實驗。 我們以搜尋的時間及搜尋次數為應變數,並利用迴歸模型及二元選擇模型(Binary Choice Model)進行估計。由本研究之搜尋印表機及書籍實驗所得的結果,發現本研究的主要控制變因,時間價值單位(時間的機會成本)愈高則搜尋的次數及時間愈少;另外,在消費者繼續搜尋之實驗的結果中,可看出若搜尋成本愈高,則搜尋者選擇「停止搜尋」的機率愈高。這些實證結果皆與理論的預期完全一致,在此即可以驗證搜尋理論。 在兩個實驗中,時間報酬對搜尋行為皆有顯著的負向關係,搜尋愈久則所花的時間成本愈高,時間報酬自然愈低,這也符合理論的預期。而價差報酬則對搜尋行為沒有任何顯著的影響。 而在搜尋書籍的實驗中,可看出搜尋者對商品預期的價格愈高,則其搜尋時間會愈多;另外由消費者繼續搜尋之決策的實驗結果發現,預期降價的空間愈大則搜尋者繼續搜尋的機率會愈高。這皆顯示出搜尋者對搜尋的預期愈樂觀則搜尋者愈願意進行搜尋,此結果亦與理論的預期一致。 並由實驗的結果發現搜尋者所有的過去經驗變數、可接受的價格範圍、價差報酬及人口統計等變數對搜尋行為(搜尋時間及次數)完全沒有任何顯著的影響。但在消費者繼續搜尋之決策的實驗中,卻可發現女生較男生願意繼續進行搜尋。 最後,在搜尋書籍的實驗中,可看出搜尋者使用網路搜尋系統來進行搜尋,會使其搜尋次數減少。由此可知與傳統的搜尋方式比較起來,網路也許是一較有效率的搜尋方式。


With the advancement and popularity of Internet, the market potential of E-commerce is unlimited and the consumers’ search behavior may change from phone shopping to Internet shopping. Does the search efficiency of Internet system really higher than the traditional phone system. This is one important issue worthy further investigation. In this study, we collect data from three experiments to test whether the efficiency of Internet search is really higher than traditional phone search and to exam the consumers’ search behavior over the Internet. We establish a questionnaire and three experiments base on the search theory. The participants of the experiments are students from 2000 first semester of the Department of International Trade, Chung Yuan Christian University. The findings in these experiments are following, First, in the printer and book search experiments, it is found that opportunity cost of search time negatively affect searching time as well as times of search. In the third experiment, the increase of the consumers’ search cost will raise the probability of choosing to stop searching”. We also find the return of searching time saving is negatively related to the time spent in search. But the benefit of figuring out a lower price does not significantly affect searching time as will as times of search. Furthermore, in the book search experiment, the times of searching will increase as the searchers’ expected prices of goods are higher. Then, when the room of price reduction is larger the probability of keeping search will increase. These mean optimistic expectation of search is positively related to search behavior. Searchers’ past experience variables such as the experience of buying books with phone, the average time of connecting internet per week, consumers’ acceptable price range of the products, the benefit of finding out a lower price, consumers’ gender and age don’t significantly affect the searching time as well as times of search.


experiments economics search theory


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