  • 學位論文


A Study of The Relationships among Perception of Organizational Change, Job Stress and Organizational Commitment–An Example of the Amalgamation of the Three Existent Military Defense Organizations

指導教授 : 吳美連


軍政、軍令二元化是國軍長久以來一直存在的問題,為使國防體制能明確區分為軍政、軍備與軍令三個體系,達戰略規劃的需求,因此,在國防二法立法通過後,軍備體系的整合就成為首要完成的推動事項。而完整的軍備體系的分工,包括了軍備規劃、科技研發、生產及測試、採購、市場推廣、後勤維修及國防工業管理等各項功能。 本研究主要是劃歸於軍備體系下之三家國防機構,藉組織合併之變革過程,以問卷型態,探討組織變革認知與員工工作壓力及組織承諾間之關聯性,從397 份有效問卷中發現下列結果: 一、組織在變革過程中,如能維持良好的勞資溝通與整體規劃,讓員工參與決策,則員工對變革目的的評價及認知程度愈高,工作壓力將隨之減少,亦會降低離職傾向。 二、當其它因素不變,員工對組織變革中工作保障認知程度愈低,產生之工作壓力愈大;反應調適度愈大,產生之工作壓力愈大。而對變革目的認知愈高情況下,其產生之工作壓力愈小。而聘雇職類人員職級愈高,溝通協調工作愈好,反應調適度愈低及變革目的認知程度愈高情況下,其產生的組織承諾度也愈高。 三、A、B、C 三家不同機構員工在組織變革過程中,與整體組織變革認知程度、工作壓力及組織承諾有顯著關聯性。 四、組織在變革過程中,員工的年齡愈長,產生的工作壓力愈低,而組織承諾度愈高。 五、員工服務年資愈淺,對組織變革產生的工作壓力各項反應愈大。員工服務年資愈長,對組織承諾度就愈高。 六、未婚者在壓力反應上高於已婚者,而已婚的員工對組織的價值承諾、努力承諾及留職承諾較未婚的員工為高。 七、男性員工在組織變革產生之心理反應及行為反應較女性高,但在組織承諾度較女性員工低。 本研究根據研究結果,對領導階層管理者提出以下的建議: 一、掌握員工屬性動向,並讓員工有參與及反應意見的機會。 二、加強與員工溝通協調工作。 三、落實考管作為,營造公平信任環境。 四、加強管理專業能力,提升問題解決能力。


The duality of military administrative and command system has been existed problematically in the ROC Armed Force for a long time. In order to satisfy the new defense strategy and strengthen the function of the departments in national defense systems, the infrastructure of the existent defense systems must consist of military administration, military orders and military armaments systems. After the “National Defence Law” and the “Organization Law of the Ministry of the National Defence” have been promulgated, the integration of the existent military armaments system has to be dressed up in time. In theory, the ideal framework of military armaments system should contain: the planning of military armaments, research and development of military technology, production and test of military equipments, acquirement of military materials, marketing, logistic service, maintenance and defence industrial administration etc. The main explorations in this study are focused on three national defence organizations which were originally independent instututes, and were merged into military armaments system after the two Laws were promulgated. By “questionnaire”, we try to investigate the development of their combinations, the correlations among the working stress and the promises offered from the employer etc. From 397 questionnaires, we get the following results: 1. During the amalgamation of these organizations, to maintain good relationships between the employees and the employer are essential. The more opportunities the staffs can participate in the policy, the better their recognition toward the amalgamation, and the less working stress as well as lower percentage of resignation will be occurred. 2. While the other factors are unchanged, for those staffs that require higher security of their job opportunities, the higher working stress will be occurred. On the contrary, for those who have higher recognition with amalgamation, the lower working stress will happen on them. As for those high-ranking contract employees, they usually have better recognition with the amalgamation due to their good coordination ability. 3. The staffs reveal conspicuous relationships in recognition, working stress and commitment with their original organization during the amalgamation. 4. The elder employees will possess higher recognition with job security and lower working stress. They also show better commitment with the organization. 5. During the amalgamation of organizations, the employees with shorter working experience, the higher working stress they will have, on the other hand, those who have the longer working experience have better commitment. 6. The unmarried employees have higher working stress than the married who believe that they have more contribution to the their organization in commitment, endeavor and continuity of the work during amalgamation. 7. On amalgamation, male staffs usually have higher psychological and physical response than that of the female staffs, and with lower commitment with the organization. According to the proceeding results, there are some suggestions for the leadership of the existent organizations: 1. Find out the viewpoints of the staffs as possible and let them have the opportunity to participate the policy of amalgamation. 2. Enhance the coordination with the staffs. 3. Check the accomplishment of the staffs rightly as possible to create a fair trust environment. 4. Enhance the administration of specialty to increase the ability of problem resolving.


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54.繆敏志、林少龍,企業外在環境、組織變項與組織變革策略關係之研究,亞太管理評論,第五卷,第四期,民八十九年,487-501 頁。

