  • 學位論文


A study of Downward One-Year Free Education to Kindergarten

指導教授 : 楊朝祥


中文摘要 國民教育向下延伸一年政策分析之研究 本研究主要的目的,乃是期望透過對政策利害關係人的意見調查,瞭解「國民教育向下延伸一年」的政策方向與內容,是否已具備成功執行的可行性;此外,也希望對政策利害關係人在國民教育向下延伸一年政策上的相關意見進行瞭解,以進而做為行政部門未來在政策規劃與執行上的重要參考依據。本研究以文獻探討與問卷調查為主,問卷調查係以台灣地區幼托機構園所負責人或園長、幼兒教保人員及教師、幼兒家長、教育與福利行政人員以及幼兒教育專家學者等為研究對象,採用分層隨機抽樣方式,共抽取600位,所得有效樣本439人,研究工具為研究者自行編訂之「國民教育向下延伸一年」意見調查問卷進行調查研究。 根據本研究的目的,透過上述研究,獲致以下結論:一、國民教育向下延伸一年政策其重要性及必要性。1、國教向下延伸一年政策已成為國人支持的政策方向。2、積極規劃國教向下延伸一年政策有其必要性,但需完備相關配套措施。3、國教向下延伸一年政策目的,應以促進幼稚園(托兒所)和小學之順利銜接為重要課題。二、阻礙國民教育向下延伸一年政策之幼教現況問題。1、國教向下延伸一年之幼教經費補助與投注過低。2、國教向下延伸一年仍未規劃及建立師資培訓機構及管道。3、國教向下延伸一年仍未針對幼教教師福利待遇進行規劃。4、國教向下延伸一年政策規劃仍未經過普及政策的討論。三、國民教育向下延伸一年的做法。1、國教向下延伸一年規劃上,應以政府籌措並挹注充分的幼兒教育經費列為首要因素。2、國教向下延伸一年政策欲成功推展,必須完備師資培育計畫。3、國教向下延伸一年政策欲成功推展,必須嚴謹規劃師資檢定考試制度。4、國教向下延伸一年政策欲成功推展,必須規劃合理的教師福利進修制度,降低教師流動率。5、國教向下延伸一年政策欲成功推展,必須建立幼稚園之自我評鑑機制。6、國教向下延伸一年政策欲成功推展,未來必須朝向五至八歲幼兒學校進行規劃。7、國教向下延伸一年政策欲成功推展,必須優先制定合理的『幼托整合』政策,完備幼托體制。8、國民教育向下延伸一年政策規劃必須尊重多方意見及回應民眾需求。而研究者根據文獻探討與研究結果,最後針對未來政策規劃與執行,提出建議。


A study of Downward One-Year Free Education to Kindergarten Abstract The main purpose of the study is to explore the possibility of successful execution of the “Downward One-Year Free Education to Kindergarten”, by investigating the opinions of the stakeholders involved in the policy. In order to achieve the purpose, the study adopted the methods of literature analysis and questionnaire investigation. According to the results drawn from the literatures, the researcher developed the “Questionnaire for Downward One-Year Free Education to Kindergarten” used for investigation survey. The subjects of the study are the principal, teachers, and parents of the day-care centers, the administration personals in education and welfare, and the experts in the field of child education, selected by stratified random with sample size of 600, and the effective samples acquired are 439 subjects. Finally, the researcher offered substantial suggestions based upon the conclusions of this study: According to the purpose of this study, the conclusions are as follow: 1. Importance and Necessity of downward one-year free education to kindergarten (1)The downward one-year free education to kindergarten has been supported by the populace. (2)The planning of the downward one-year free education to kindergarten is certainly necessary; however additional measures should also be included. (3)Objectives of the downward one-year free education to kindergarten should focus on the promotion of the joining of kindergartens (day care centers) and elementary schools. 2. Problems of the downward one-year free education to kindergarten that Inhibit Child Education. (1)Educational subsidies and funds in the downward one-year free education to kindergarten are too low. (2)The downward one-year free education to kindergarten does not include any mention of institutions oriented towards the training of teachers. (3)The downward one-year free education to kindergarten does not include any plans for special benefits for teachers of children. (4)There has been no discussion related to making the downward one-year free education to kindergarten a widespread policy. 3. If the downward one-year free education to kindergarten is to be successfully implemented, a self-audit system should be established for kindergartens: (1) The government should provide sufficient subsidies for child education. (2) There should be a complete teacher training plan. (3) There should be a scrupulous teacher examination system. (4) There should be reasonable teacher’s benefit and advance systems to reduce the teacher turnover rate. (5) There should be a self-audit system established for the kindergartens. (6) The school developed planning in the future should target at the children aged from 5-8. (7) There should be a reasonable “education/care integrated policy” established in advance, and also a sound plan of the education/care system. (8) The policy planning in the future should respect the outside opinions, and accommodate the needs of the people.




