  • 學位論文


A Study of Job Satisfaction of Kindergarten Teachers on Private Institutions after Integrated Kindergarten and Nursery School in Nantou County

指導教授 : 魏渭堂


南投縣幼托整合後私立幼兒園所教師工作滿意度之研究 摘要 本研究旨在研究南投縣幼托整合後私立幼兒園所教師工作滿意度之情形。針對幼兒園所教師工作滿意度之知覺現況瞭解,以及探究不同人口變項和不同環境背景變項對工作滿意度的知覺是否有顯著差異。以南投縣678位幼兒園所教師為研究對象,並以自製「幼兒園所教師工作感受問卷」全面進行普查。所得量化資料以SPSS for Windows 12.0 統計軟體進行資料轉換分析,茲將結果陳述如下: 一、南投縣私立幼兒園所教師工作滿意度知覺平均數為3.79,標準差為0.43,大於平均數3.00,顯示目前幼兒園所教師對工作滿意度的感受程度屬中上程度。平均數介於2.98-4.11之間,以「人際互動」層面平均數4.11得分最高。 二、不同人口變項的南投縣私立幼兒園所教師在工作滿意度有顯著差異。在「年齡」層面上「31-35歲」組工作滿意度顯著高於「21-25歲」;於「目前職稱」層面上「幼教師」組工作滿意度顯著高於「保育員」組。 三、不同環境變項的南投縣私立幼兒園所教師在工作滿意度有顯著差異。研究發現,在「任教機構之幼兒總數」層面上資料呈現「51-100人」組顯著高於「50人以下」組。 本研究建議: 一、對於行政機關的建議 (一)師資合流使用,增廣工作機會,發行「南投縣幼兒園所教師證」,提高工作滿意度。 (二)吸引幼教新血加入、聘任合格幼兒園所教師,重定工作社會價值。 二、對於幼兒園所主管的建議 (一)提供幼兒園所教師專業成長的環境與合理薪資福利,以提昇工作 滿意度,降低師資流動率並帶動園所教保品質的提升。 (二)善用「人際互動滿意度」特性,創造優質工作環境,增加生存的契機。 三、對於幼兒園所教師的建議:主動關心政策,爭取自身權益,相信自己。 四、對於未來研究者的建議 (一)擴大研究範圍 (二)多元的研究方法 (三)研究主體差異


A Study of Job Satisfaction of Kindergarten Teachers on Private Institutions after Integrated Kindergarten and Nursery School in Nantou County Abstract This research is designed to study the job satisfaction of kindergarten teachers after integrated kindergarten and nursery school on private institutions in Nantou County. Demography and working background factors are taken in the account when designing the questionnaire, Kindergarten Teachers’ Job Satisfactions. Total of 678 kindergarten teachers were given the written questionnaire and the data was analyzed by using the statistic software, SPSS for Windows 12.0. The results are provided as following: 1. Kindergarten teacher Job Satisfactions is 3.79 on average which is greater than the mean of 3.0 and the standard deviation is 0.43. This shows that teachers are fond of their jobs. The most striking finding is that most teachers indicate that personal interaction between colleagues are highly graded at 4.11 on average. 2. When the demography factor, age, is taken into account, the teacher job satisfaction varies at different aged groups. The satisfaction level of the 31-35 aged group is greater than that of the 21-25 aged group. When the job title is taken into account, the job satisfaction level of kindergarten teachers is significantly greater than that of nursery center teachers. 3. When the student number in class is taken into account, the job satisfaction level of 51-100 student group is greater than that of below 50 student group. Advice for the government administration based on the study is provided as followings: 1. The administration should issue professional certificates. For example, Nantou County Kindergarten and Nursery School Teacher Certificate, to kindergarten and nursery school teachers to increase the teachers’ job satisfaction. 2. The administration should recruit certificated teachers to increase kindergarten and nursery school overall performance. This will change the public perception of kindergarten and nursery school teachers’ performance. Advice for the kindergarten supervisors based on the study is provided as followings: 1. Providing on the job training and reasonable salary and fringe benefit are needed to increase teacher job satisfaction. These can reduce teacher turnover rate and increase teaching quality. 2. Personal interaction between colleagues should be taken into account to improve working environment and job satisfaction. Advice for the kindergarten and nursery school teachers based on the study is provided as following: 1. Teachers should pay attention on the changes of education policies. Salary and fringe benefit should be taken into account when they are negotiating their contracts with the administration. One who is interesting in the research can continue the study based on increasing research topics, applying different methods, and finding the sample differences.


Berns, R.G. (1990). The relationship between vocational education teacher job satisfaction and teacher retention using disarmament analysis. (ERIC)


