  • 學位論文


An inventory model for items with finite life and JIT production environment

指導教授 : 黃惠民


近幾年來由於企業環境的競爭越來越激烈,且市場在大者恆大的趨勢下,供應鏈的夥伴關係也因應而生。而供應鏈的管理主要著重在供應鏈上下游成員之間的整合,所以透過所有供應鏈成員長期相互合作的關係,以達成企業的競爭優勢。過去有關於存貨方面的研究,大部分都沒有考慮到商品具有壽命期限,但是壽命型商品卻存在於現實的市場當中,例如:鮮奶、血液以及新鮮食材。所以透過JIT生產及運送方式,其不會延誤產品在市場上的時間是最有利於該類商品。 在現實生活當中,存貨可能因為儲存時間過長而有損耗或腐敗等現象發生,因此對於損耗的因素也應必須考慮。對於產品的需求率有時候會隨著當時陳列於架上的存貨數量產生相依的關係,所以在模式的建構過程將需求與存貨量呈非線性的假設加入其中,使模式更符合於現實情況。 本研究主要目的是以壽命型商品之存貨系統為基本架構,並考慮需求與存貨量呈非線性關係與產品具有損耗性的兩個因素,而衍生發展成在JIT生產環境下的二階供應鏈。最後,將推導出的利潤數學模式藉由軟體程式作為求解之工具,試圖去尋找最適當的訂購週期、存貨水準上限以及最佳的聯合總利潤。在透過敏感度分析以了解各參數對聯合總利潤的影響。


The recent development of supply chain partnership is the result of competitive market and globalization. Supply chain management is defined as the integration of business processes that connects upstream and downstream companies. In the supply chain environment, the strategic advantage of the integrated concept can be achieved through a long-tem mutual cooperative relationship between the partners. In the past, few of researches on inventory management have considered items with fixed life. Fixed life items are such as milk, blood, and fresh foodstuff common in the market. It is vital for the fixed lifetime items to speed up its production and sales through JIT production and delivery. In actual life, inventory may deteriorate or spoil during storage. So the factor of the deterioration should also be considered. The demand rate may be proportional to the inventory level or to the level of displayed goods. The demand rate of an item is therefore assumed to be a nonlinear function of the inventory level. The objective of this study is to develop a two-echelon integrated JIT supply chain inventory model for deteriorating items with fixed lifetime. The optimal inventory model is derived using the Maple software. Numerical examples and sensitivity analysis are carried out to analyze the key function in the inventory system.


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李鴻生(2006)。汽車零件供應商與中心廠配合能力 之研究 —以國瑞汽車專業製造廠為例—〔碩士論文,中原大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6840/cycu200600206
