  • 學位論文

汽車零件供應商與中心廠配合能力 之研究 —以國瑞汽車專業製造廠為例—

A Match Ability Study Between The Vehicle Parts Supplier and Manufacture Center ~A Case Study of Taiwan Kuozui Company~

指導教授 : 林震岩老師


論 文 摘 要 台灣汽車市場受制於經濟規模與製造成本的內在考驗,同時面臨全球策略聯盟、顧客需求多樣化、WTO開放進口的外在威脅,中心廠的發展趨勢是提高國內市場佔有率與加入世界分工優勢地位,供應商則是加強研發能力與擴充海外市場,雖然各自的發展趨勢不同,但對製造技術的堅持仍是不變;除此希望在汽車製造供應鏈裡強化自身的關鍵技術能力與優異品質管理,找到屬於世界分工裡的定位,提昇供應商與中心廠之間的配合能力成為重要課題。 本研究從顧客關係出發,延伸到供應鏈管理與夥伴關係管理,探討製造業裡最佳夥伴關係的供給型態,以國瑞汽車中心廠與其對供應商管理的個案探討,結合供應商對中心廠的問卷調查,歸納出關鍵技術能力、品質管理體制、生產管理技術以及財務能力等四項構面,與相互間配合能力呈現高度正相關,有助於深化汽車製造、開發技術及強化供應鏈結構裡所需的對應能力。 本研究以汽車製造業的效益實證供應鏈協作理論的成立,並將上述各構面對於製造業的重要性予以詳加整理,讓供應鏈成員有跡可循。同時對於汽車製造產業,明確定位出供應商的競爭優勢為獨特技術、品管體制與效率化的生產技術;讓中心廠必須視供應商為夥伴,才能在資訊、技術共享前提下,充實整體供應體系的競爭力。


Due to the market scale of Taiwan domestic vehicle will not expand, and the pressure of high manufacture cost. Face to the global alliance between vehicle manufacturers, multi require of customer and the threat by lower-duty vehicle import when we entered WTO. Increase domestic market share and join in the global vehicle operation by technical competitive advantage for vehicle manufacture center. The advance of the supplier is to improve the technology and export product to oversea. Even different expand direction, technical capability is same importance for them. Strengthen key technical capability and quality control management will match or obtain related positioning in the global vehicle. This paper start from CRM, through SCM and PRM, to discuss the supply type of match ability between partner relationship in the manufacture. Case study for Kuozui company, the other is survey from the parts supplier watching the vehicle manufacture center. We obtain four key factors; there are technical capability, quality control management, production technology and finance capability. Due to the efficient match ability of them, we can deepen reactive ability, research technology and strengthen the supply chain management between suppliers and manufacture centers. From the conclusion we obtain the effect of collaboration supply chain. Manufacture center improve competitive advantage in the technology, quality control and efficient production ability for clearly positioning. The vehicle manufacture center must summarize and strengthen the competition, between all of the suppliers by sharing information and technology.


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