  • 學位論文

應用Web Services實施企業間電子化之比較研究—以電子製造業為例

A Comparative Study on Business-to-Business Application Using Web Services —An Example of an Electronic Device Manufacturing Firm

指導教授 : 劉士豪


在微利時代,企業需創造更具競爭力的營運模式讓自己更具競爭優勢,而實施企業間電子化則是整合企業合作夥伴,讓彼此間商業流程整合度更緊密、彈性更大、雙方對即時應變處理與反應更迅速,整體而言,因此而降低了夥伴間的營運成本、提升獲利,且彼此間創造雙贏互利的局勢。 然而實現企業間電子化的營運模式必須大量仰賴資訊科技的輔助,經過本研究對產業現象的觀察與對個案深入了解後,發掘現階段實施企業間電子化系統,仍有許多待突破的問題,例如:系統建置成本過高、彈性不大、對於跨不同產業或國家多對多的連線機制不易達成等。 本研究屬於探索性的研究,主要目的是希望能應用目前新的技術架構「Web Services」,藉由其跨平台整合性強、開放標準、與彈性大等特性來建置企業間電子化系統,並比較目前電子製造業系統建置之間的優劣點及差異,在研究過程中首先找出對現況實施企業間電子化相關系統之典型個案公司,以幫助本研究對現況的了解,其次則以Web Services技術開發出雛型系統,最後邀請業界相關專家與資深從業人員進行深度訪談,並對整個系統作評估與進一步比較出現行企業間電子化之系統與應用Web Services下,這兩種不同技術架構的作比較分析與優劣點。 具體而言,本研究依序完成了下列成果:(一)對電子製造業實施B2Bi之典型個案作深入的描述﹔(二)深入探討Web Services理論基礎與實作Web Services應用B2Bi的雛型系統﹔(三)比較出Web Services與現行系統架構實施B2Bi的差異與優劣點,並進而提出產業之應用建議。


Facing low margin age approach, enterprise must create a powerful business model and keep superiority of competition. To implement Business-to-Business application in order to response to changing business environment, it makes business flow to be more integrated and with flexible. Quick response has increased dramatically between business partners, which will reduce cost of operation, raise higher competition of market, positively related to profitability increase and maximize their mutual benefit also. To achieve Inter-Origination business model, Information technology (IT) is one of the most effective solutions to help enterprises dealing with the challenges in today’s dynamic environment. The subject of this study is to observe of the electronic industry and understand typical case that discovers some critical issues and problems for example, high cost, inelasticity, multiple on-line systems cross different countries and industries. This is an exploratory study. The main purpose of the research is to study the benefit by using Web Services focus on B2Bi application and compare with the greater part of B2Bi application today, in order to find the difference and discrimination between merit and demerit. In the process of the study, first of all, it found the typical case of the electronic industry is to understand the present stage of the B2Bi system model. Secondly, this research used Web-services technologies develop similar prototype system. Finally, the different infrastructure of these application, came out by interviewing with experts in the field, is used to collect other experts’ experiences of the prototype system and to envloutation the application between which are use normally. In summary, the conclusions of this study are finished these topics: (1) found the typical case of the electronic industry is to understand the present stage of the B2Bi system model. (2) Used Web-services technologies develop similar prototype system. (3) Compare analysis the different information technology and found the advantage and variation is suggested to help with critical variable selection.


EAI IOS B2Bi Web Services


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