  • 學位論文


The Analysis of the Critical Factors that affect Consumer’s Willingness to adopt 3G Mobile Communication Systems

指導教授 : 林震岩


本研究主要針對個人基本資料對採用意願的關鍵因素、顧客需求以及對採用意願的影響,另外還有採用意願的關鍵因素和顧客需求對採用意願的影響加以分析。並且找尋影響顧客採用意願之關鍵因素,透過理性行動理論(TRA)、計劃性行為理論(TPB)以及創新擴散理論(IDT),並參考科技接受模型(TAM),再加上探究我國行動通信市場的實際應用情形,建立行動通信顧客使用3G系統意願之架構模型,將實證研究發現之重要訊息,以提供經營第三代(3G)行動通信業者在制定行銷策略時作為參考,瞭解顧客使用習性以及顧客需求。研究結果獲得下列結論: 1. 連結與傳送速率、過去同類產品的使用經驗、以及業者提供的服務內容,會影響顧客對3G產品採用意願的態度。 2. 手機外觀、品牌知名度以及群體的影響構成影響顧客使用3G產品意願的主觀規範因素。 3. 營造顧客有收訊良好的助益環境,有利於提昇顧客的知覺行為控制,進而提高顧客對行動通信3G產品的採用意願。 4. 行動通信業者的手機優惠促銷活動、通話費率的高低構成主要影響顧客採用行動通信3G產品意願在經濟考量的因素。 5. 對於已經使用第2.5代GPRS的顧客,業者倘不能明顯區隔功能內容訴求,很難達成其轉換使用3G產品的目標。 6. 顧客銀行代扣繳費僅佔40.5%,仍有加強宣導空間,以節省人力如營業窗口人事成本以及其他方面之支出。 7. 顧客每月繳交帳單費用及顧客最高可接受價格會隨著年齡層的提昇而降低。 8. 行動通信顧客未婚者繳交帳單方式以至便利商店繳費所佔比例較高,而已婚者以銀行代扣所佔比例較高。 9. 顧客的年收入多寡與企業公司補助與否,對於影響顧客使用行動通信3G產品的意願並不顯著。


3G 採用意願


This Research explores the Critical factors about the willingness of individual subscriber as well as the respective personal background and customer demand that affect the willingness to adopt the third Generation Mobile Communication Systems. Meanwhile, an analysis is conducted on the Critical factors about the willingness of adoption and the influence of customer demand that affect the willingness in adoption. Based on the Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA), Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB), Innovation Diffusion Theory (IDT) and taking Technology Acceptance Module (TAM), additionally, making an investigation into the actual market status of application in Mobile Communication in Taiwan, the author is building up a structural model for the willingness of individual consumers to adopt the third Generation (3G) Mobile Communication Systems. Through the investigation from practical verification, this report is aiming at offering the 3G Industry and related Telecom Corporations and Operators in the field some referential information when establishing their marketing strategies. On top of that, having a better understanding of the habitual practice and demand of consumers. Following conclusions will be achieved on the basis of the result of research: 1. Those factors that may affect the willingness of individual consumer to adopt the third Generation Mobile Communication Systems that include access for linkage and the data transmission speed, the pragmatic experience of using similar products in the past, as well as the service contents by operators or service providers. 2. The regulative factors from subjective point of view that may affect the willingness of individual consumer to adopt the third Generation Mobile Communication Systems that include the appearance and design of the mobile phones or hand-held devices, the market awareness and popularity of brand name and the influence of mass behaviors. 3. By establishing beneficial environments that lead to friendly access and high quality electric wave signals that help to elevate comprehensive behavior control in the willingness of acceptance to the 3G systems. 4. The economical considerations to adopt the 3G systems under marketing plans by the mobile operators for bargain discount promotion activities and the rate of fares when using the 3G services. 5. The target of allowing current 2.5G GPRS users to switch to 3G services might be difficult to achieve in case if the approaches of distinctive functions and attractive contents are not created and made available. 6. There is still some room for improvement on billing system to save the personnel expenses, such as those at the service counters of the banks. The monthly automatic withdraw process of due amounts from bank accounts of subscribers reaches preliminary level of merely 40.5%. 7. The choices of payment plan with fare packages and the maximum charges acceptable are having something to do with the age grouping of subscribers. It found that the higher the age, the lower the charges are acceptable. 8. Unmarried single subscribers tend to pay by cash at the convenience stores in the vicinity. While the married subscribers mostly tend to pay by monthly automatic withdraw process of due amounts from bank saving accounts. 9. There is no significant influence in the willingness of adopting the 3G systems by the annual income of subscribers or whether the subsidiary funding by the enterprises is rendered or not.


3G Willingness to adopt


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