  • 學位論文


A Case Study of Implementing and Benefits Evaluation of E-Procurement System

指導教授 : 戚玉樑


摘 要 網際網路的特性,打破了現實世界中地域和時間的限制,帶給產業界深遠的影響。產業界利用網際網路簡化與供應商間的溝通程序、縮短時間、促進夥伴關係、提昇體系之競爭力。電子化採購透過網路,使企業與企業之間的關係變得愈來愈直接,將不同企業間的採購規範加以整合,改善複雜且高成本的採購管理流程成為具有高附加價值企業價值鏈中的一個環節,將可以提昇整體價值鏈效率,並為公司創造競爭優勢。 本研究以機車業做為個案研究對象,在個案中發現首先在其中心廠及衛星廠間建置一套共同的文件標準及相關往來文件規格,並建置電子採購系統。資訊交易的內容包括採購資料、交貨資訊、品管資訊及貨款發票資訊等,以此系統形成整體供應鏈資訊網,達到資訊共享與提昇決策品質的目標。為使系統順利推行,個案公司除加強對衛星廠之高層主管電子化的知識灌輸外,並採種子訓練模式,選出年紀輕且有興趣的人員予以訓練,再推廣至各相關部門。研究發現,電子化採購使得中衛體系間管理能力提升、資訊傳遞即時化、供應鏈靈活度提升,並將協同合作關係視為策略性的資產,可以使中衛體系管理同步與生產同步的群體合作,進而健全產銷體系,並且增強產品在市場競爭優勢,擴大傳統產業經濟效益及延續性增進產業整體的對外競爭力。 關鍵字:電子採購、中衛體系、供應鏈、協同合作


Abstract The Internet has broken through the limitation of time and area in the real world. It simplified communication, promoted partnership and competitiveness. The E-Procurement can improve the process of purchase to be one of the high-added link of the whole value chain, it may promote the entirety value-chain efficiency. This study is aim to implement and benefits Evaluation of E-Procurement System among different types of enterprises in Corporate Synergy Development System of motorcycle industry. The first step of the plan is to build a standardized document specification. The E-Procurement system is then designed for information exchange, including information of purchase, delivery, quality control and invoice. The system can form an integrated information network for the entire supply chain and achieve the objectives of data sharing and the improvement of decision quality. To ensure the success of the system the study increases the concept of electronic knowledge for all the supervisors of the supply chain. Additionally, the study conducts training programs which selects young employees as seeds. Then those seeds can teach related information for their crew to ensure the system can be work well. The results show that the system can improve the management quality and agility for the entire supply chain. Meanwhile, the collaboration relationships are regard as an important strategic asset. Through the collaborations of all the enterprises the system can achieve concurrent management and concurrent production, and increase the competitive advantages for the market. Key Words : E-Procurement, Corporate Synergy Development System, Supply Chain, Collaboration


