  • 學位論文


The Impact of Intranets On Organization Culture and Organization Effectiveness

指導教授 : 曹國雄


論 文 摘 要 自1980年網際網路科技發展開始至今2001年,網際網路相關的活動或產品在全球各地的快速發展,幾乎讓我們生活周遭無時無刻不受網際網路的影響。企業界運用網際網路的工具來從事經營策略的制訂及營運流程及客戶服務的改善已很普遍。本研究目的在探討企業在架設公司內部企業網路時所採取的e化深淺程度是否確實會影響企業的組織文化認同的強弱或幫助組織效能的提升。本研究也希望透過調查資料的收集及分析讓企業在引進企業網路各項工具及設計網站內容之前,先能了解企業組織內部的組織文化現況,評估企業網路的規劃範圍及優先順序對組織效能的影響,亦即從軟硬體的成本及運用外,能從人性的角度及人的感受進行探討企業網路的影響力。 首先,本研究透過文獻的探討,提出研究架構,將企業網路e化程度分成七大部份,e-mail的運用程度、資訊系統整合、資料庫系統、管理公告上線、E-Learning、線上群體討論及工作資訊分享等,分別與組織文化各選項之間相關性探討。企業網路e化程度與組織效能之間相關性探討。組織效能與組織文化之間相關性探討。本研究係透過問卷調查的方法進行資料的收集及分析,將調查問卷分為企業網路e化程度、組織文化認同強度、公司基本現況及組織效能等問題設計,針對250家企業寄出問卷,回收有效問卷樣本為72份。回收的問卷樣本經過頻次分析、主成份分析、相關性分析、ANOVA變異量分析及多元迴歸統計分析。 問卷調查後,利用SPSS統計軟體工具進行相關性分析,結果發現 : 1. 企業網路e化程度與組織文化各選項間為非常顯著相關性。 2. 企業網路e化程度與組織效能無顯著相關性。 3. 組織效能與組織文化之間為部分顯著相關性。 根據上述各項研究結果,就管理上的涵意以下幾點建議 : l 工作目標及績效考核系統可以放在企業網路中隨時跟蹤目標執行進度及考核績效。 l 定期或不定期主管會議中的重要決議需要部門內相關部屬了解及遵循的工作或工程師、生產或業務幹部在討論問題獲得解決方案時或改善工作品質或效率等事項均能隨時放在企業網路線上做溝通。 l 企業內部成本的有效控制上,可以運用企業網路來做即時線上的費用申請及核准程序,以事先成本費用控制替代事後的改善措施。 關鍵字 : 企業網路e化程度、組織文化、組織效能


ABSTRACT “ The Impact of Intranets on Organization Culture and Organization Effectiveness” Since1980 Internet technologies have been applied till now 2001 years, the Internet related activities or products are growing very fast world wide. The impact of using Internet has affected to everybody’s regular life and surrounding environment. Private enterprises have applied the Internet as a tool to engage in setting up the company business strategies, improving the operations’ activities and upgrading the quality of customers’ services. This research is trying to find out how is the impact of Corporate Intranet application affecting to the employees’ cohesion on their organization culture and to the performance of organization effectiveness. This research also wishes to provide the guidelines , thru the consideration of cost and employees’ morale, for private enterprises before they are planning or implementing for their own Corporate Intranet’s layout and construction. The degrees of Corporate Intranet application are divided into 7 categories such as E-Mail Utilization, Information System Integration, Data Banks Utilization, Bulletin Board On Line, E-Learning, Group Discussion On Line, and Work Information Sharing Mechanism. Each category is comparing with the variables of organization culture and organization effectiveness to find out the correlation among them. 250 companies were invited to participate the Questionnaire Survey and 72 companies replied. This research uses the statistics analysis such as Frequency Analysis, Factors Analysis, Correlation Analysis, ANOVA and Multiple Regression Analysis to analyze the collected data. Thru the Correlation Analysis, it shows : 1. Strong positive correlation is between Intranet and Organization Culture. 2. No distinctive correlation is between Intranet and Organization Effectiveness. 3. Some positive correlation is between Organization Effectiveness and Organization Culture. Based on the results of this research, there are several suggestions being recommended as follow : l Put the performance management system on the Intranet and follow up the progress. l Use the intranet as a communication channel to publish all important meeting minutes. l Put the internal cost control system thru application and approval procedures in the intranet to control the discretionary expenditure before it expends. Key words : Corporate Intranet , Organization Culture and Organization Effectiveness


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