  • 學位論文


Reevaluation of Fair Use Doctrine in the Digital Age — A Closer Look at Anticiucumvention Regulation and Its Introduction into the Copyright Act —

指導教授 : 黃銘傑


繼工業革命之後,二十世紀末數位革命(the digital revolution)的出現,使得人類社會進入另一個科技時代,諸如數位化資訊、電腦與網際網路,這些嶄新的技術正以各種方式進入人們的生活中,取代我們既有的生活模式,並且帶給我們空前未有的便利、效率與品質。此外,數位科技迅速的成長與革新,所產生的利益更是無可計量,對於整個著作權世界的影響更是無遠弗屆,一方面創造了流通發達的數位內容,使得公眾使用資訊的便利性大幅提昇;另一方面,也為該等數位內容設置各種堅固的防護措施,使數位內容所有人對於數位內容擁有更強大的控制能力。也因此,強烈影響了數位環境中人們的使用習性。 這些防護措施,通稱為科技保護措施(technical protection measures,TPM),廣義而言,包含各種的加密技術、權利管理資訊系統、功能限制措施等,其效力各有所別,藉以區分不同之使用者,並防止他人未經授權或越權使用該等數位著作或內容。 略觀該等科技保護措施,可發現其猶如一把鎖,作為其他人接觸(access)該著作前之第一道關卡,甚至透過科技之賜,使用這把「鎖」的人可以自由決定開放的範圍、時間、地點等要素;且不但可以附加於受著作權法保護之著作上,亦可應用於所有之數位內容甚至是實體的事物中。如果著作權法給予這把「鎖」特別之保護,是否等同於給予著作人甚至數位產品所有者一個新的權利—接觸權(the right of access)或反規避權(anti-circumvention right),而成為著作權本質以外之一種「超著作權(para-copyright)」?是否進而作為宣示「計次付費(pay-per-use)」時代的來臨?原本公眾合理使用與著作人專屬排他權間之制衡關係又將如何?在法律介入規範與當事人契約自由原則下,任由著作權人一方「自力救濟」,再賦予一定之法律保護,對著作權人保護有無過當?如是,是應否定該條款之制定,抑或做如何之調整立法?均為本文探討之重點。 對此,本文擬從著作權法保護著作權與合理使用的制衡關係出發,探討傳統與數位時代該等制衡關係的變化,進而探討科技保護措施乃至於反規避條款介入著作權之保護後,彼此於著作權法乃至於整體數位環境中產生何等之變化,並參酌學說與各國反規避條款之立法例及實施情形,詳加分析檢討,與我國歷年來著作權法草案有關於反規避條款之規定相比較,進而提出本文之建言:於套裝立法之各個法規中尋求反規避條款之有效且適當之定位,對於著作權法中的反規避條款,則建議繼續採取觀望態度,初步先仿照日本法之規範方式,於著作權法與公平交易法中制定適合我國國情的反規避條款,以為我國最大利益之考量,並且不至於與國際數位立法趨勢脫軌。


Following industrial revolution, the emerging digital revolution at the end of the twentieth century has made the human society enter into another technical era. The newly invented technologies such as digital information, computer and the internet have become part of people’s daily life and bring us convenience, efficiency, and quality in all aspects. In addition, the swift development and innovation of digital science not only lead to incalculable benefits, but also has influenced the whole copyright world without limitation. On the one hand, it creates circulating digital content which makes public use of information more convenient; on the other hand, it establishes all kinds of firm protections for the digital content owners to enhance their control over those digital content, and affects the users’ habits in the digital environment. These shelters, generally called “Technical Protection Measures (TPMs)”, include but not limited to all kinds of encryption, digital right management, and limited function measures. These protections differ in effects and degrees so as to distinguish different users and to prevent people from using the digital publication or content without limitation or beyond authorization. To observe these technical protection measures, we can find these measures acting like locks when people try to access these digital content. In spite of technological development, the owners of such “locks” may decide at their own will what range, time, and place for their intellectual properties to be opened or licensed. As a consequence, does this imply that the protection granted by the copyright law on such “locks” also grant the lock owners—the copyright or digital content owners - a newly created right, a para-copyright, for example, the right of access or the anti-circumvention right. Does this declare the coming of the “pay per use” era? How would the checks and balance between copyright owners’ exclusive rights and fair use be affected? Under the Principle of the Freedom of Contract and the regulation of the law, if we allow the copyright owner to claim his right and protect it with certain legislation, would it be proper or overprotected? How should current legislation be modified or what adjustments should be made? The questions above are all the key problems to be solved in this thesis. Hence, this article begins with the relationship between the copyright protection and fair use under the copyright law, discusses the evolution of copyright legislation from the traditional era to the digital era, and explores the impact to the digital environment resulted from the TPMs as well as the anti-circumvention articles. This thesis compares the ROC copyright law to copyright legislation and implementation of several different countries, and thereby suggests that we follow the Japanese legislation, which refrains from adding the anti-circumvention article into the copyright law, but to seek for a better location for such article in relevant package legislations such as Fair Trade Law or Criminal Law.


1. 胡心蘭,《論科技發展對合理使用與著作財產權限制之影響》,中原大學財經法律研究所碩士論文(2001)。
18. 馮震宇,〈論網路科技發展對合理使用的影響與未來〉,法令月刊,第五十一卷,第十期(2000)。
20. 黃銘傑,〈解碼、破碼與公平競爭秩序〉,國立臺灣大學法學論叢,第二十八卷四期(1999)。
1. 台北地方法院八十三年度自字第二五○號刑事判決。
3. 台北地院九十三年度小上字第四號民事判決。


