  • 學位論文


The Study on the TFT-LCD Factory Build-Up by Production Management

指導教授 : 蘇玲慧


中文摘要 近年來全球的液晶顯示光電產業飛躍成長,對於新世代生產線之投資案也持續不斷的開出,國內也已有百家以上的公司投入相關產業。晶圓代工與面板同為台灣兩兆的重點產業,台灣晶圓代工在全球已建立了無可匹敵的競爭力,面板廠在台灣興起時間僅十年光景,不過其成長爆發性卻遠大於晶圓代工。由於台灣近年製造環境及產業結構的改變,政府提出兩兆(半導體、影像顯示產業)、雙星(數位內容及生物科技)計劃,預計在2006年台灣影像顯示產業的產值可達新台幣1兆 3700億元,使台灣成為全球第一大 TFT-LCD供應國。 以光電產業的建廠費用動輒百億甚至仟億元的經費,除了設備、零組件以及生產技術的提昇外;萬丈高樓平地起,因此從廠房的建構及空間規劃(Layout)、動線的順暢考量等等,均需要精心的規劃,如果沒有適當的設計將可能降低生產力,甚至影響日後的營運績效。 本研究目的在於探討TFT-LCD建廠階段,以生產管理相關之規劃為架構,概分為生產計劃面:廠區產能與產線對應規劃、產品結構的規劃以及生產設備的相關限制(瓶頸)考量;物料計劃面:上游材料供應商的產能對應與技術面的考量,以及設備廠商所需的驗機、試車材料供應的規劃作業、主要關鍵材料(Glass、CF…)供需狀況推移與庫存策略檢討;倉儲管理面:儲存空間的需求計算與規劃、物流動線的設計以及材料的包裝,運送等三大領域進行細部探討。期盼本研究對於目前如此大投資的TFT-LCD產業,能夠對國內相關業界有所助益,並期許能在這場激烈的國際競爭中勝出。


ABSTRACT The global liquid crystal shows that the photoelectric industry's leap has been growing up in recent years. The investment of new generation production line has been increasing too. And then there are hundreds of companies participate in related industry. Though Taiwan semiconductor industry has been built powerful competition, the LCD industry only develops for ten years but has more amazing growth power than semiconductor industry. The government proposes two trillion projects (semiconductor, flat-display industry ), plan of double star (digit content and biotechnology ), it is estimated that shows in 2006 Taiwanese image that the output value of the industry can reach new Taiwan dollar of 1 trillion 370 billion, make Taiwan become the first largest TFT-LCD supply country in the world. The establishment factory expenses of the photoelectric industry almost cost about ten billions even hundred billions. Therefore, we must plan carefully, besides promotion of the equipment, spare part and production technology, since building constructing and space planning (Layout), moving the considering etc. smoothly of the line of the factory building, need meticulous planning , may reduce productivity without the proper design, even influence the operation performance in the future. This research purpose is to probe TFT-LCD stage of build-up the factory, regard planning that the production management is correlated with as the structure. Divide it for three dimensions; first, the production plan: the capacity of production line, the planning of product structure and relevant restriction (bottleneck ) of the production equipment to produce in the factory; Second, for the material plan : The producing capacity and technical improvement of suppliers, main key material (Glass , CF…) of the material , supplies of testing machine , taking a trial run that the equipment manufacturer need the state between supply and demand and makes a self-criticism with the inventory management; Third, for the warehouse storage: The demand for storing the space is calculated and planned , the material movement line smooth design and product packing、detail discussion of the three major fields of transporting etc. Expect this research about the TFT-LCD industry the largest of investment at present, can provide some benefits to domestic relevant industry.


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