  • 學位論文


The Research on the production process of the TaiwaneseTraditional Tile Kiln industry.

指導教授 : 薛琴


論文摘要 臺灣傳統瓦窯燒製程序之研究 中原大學建築學系碩士學位論文 民國九十三年七月 研究生:沈怡文 指導教授:薛琴 傳統瓦窯為率先傳入臺灣的原始窯種,先民用以燒製磚瓦建築房舍,故磚瓦材成為古蹟建材之大宗,但修護工程常不經考證即予以更換,造成古蹟價值減損,又當今建材更易,瓦窯匠藝恐有失傳危機。因此本研究以生產技術為主要研究內容,討論由古至今的燒製程序,亦藉由窯燒觀測與試驗,瞭解窯內成品與窯燒製程各環節的關係,以建立判別磚材的基礎知識。本研究由技術角度切入,田野調查以匠師訪談與傳統技法記錄為主,再輔以科學觀測試驗與訪談者經驗比對,探索傳統古法:窯內溫差控制方法,分析溫差變化對成品品質的影響,嘗試將正確的口傳資訊轉化為客觀的操作程序,期望成為磚瓦建材研究之基礎。 第一章 序論:主要論述本研究動機、目的、文獻回顧、範圍、方法等。 第二章 臺灣傳統瓦窯概述:內容包含臺灣傳統瓦窯發展史、目前瓦業現況、瓦窯窯燒原理、窯體演進及砌築方式。 第三章 傳統瓦窯生產方法與流程:生產方式為經,流程為緯,敘述磚瓦歷經製坯、入窯、窯燒等重要程序,各程序作法與注意事項,製坯分成型、疊坯、陰乾;入窯是唯一維持古法之程序,依賴代代家傳技術體系,文中闡述排法與各地異同。窯燒關係成品品質,過程中判斷預熱與攻燒的徵兆及觀察窯內火色、控火的方式是論述的重點。 第四章 瓦窯窯燒觀測與試驗:分析研究期間觀測之窯燒,將升溫情形和成品良率比對,歸納合理的升溫曲線,觀察升溫與燃料消耗之關係,及傳統控溫方式對窯溫之影響;試驗方面,取窯內各部位成品,觀察收縮率與色澤,試驗吸水率與抗壓力,藉由收縮幅度回推窯內各點生坯放大值,綜合窯內各點收縮幅度、孔隙率及強度瞭解窯內溫差分佈情形;分析窯內各位置色澤分佈;探討製程與成品破損之關係。 第五章 結論:傳統磚瓦製造技術中,以入窯與控火為重要技術,入窯影響成品形狀、平整度,控火則影響色澤與陶化程度,瓦窯成品尺寸、顏色、強度無法均一,則因窯內擺放位置與溫度控制,升溫速度慢、控火時間長,則成品良率高,窯燒中忌斷火以防窯變,瓦窯窯內溫差問題塑造出多元豐富的磚瓦色澤,未來建議以舊有窯體,要求製坯、陰乾程序精確度,加強控溫設備以改善規格差異問題。


Abstract The Research on the production process of the TaiwaneseTraditional Tile Kiln industry. Master Thesis of Department of Architecture, Chung Yuan University July 2004 Graduate student: Shen, I-Wen Advisor: Hsueh Chin “Tile Kiln” is the original kind of kiln early introduced in Taiwan; our ancestors used the fired bricks and tiles to build house, which are numerous and popular, therefore, most shown in the building of historic sites. The purpose of exploring the manufacturing procedure of bricks and tiles used for historic sties not only is for the pre-work of continuing the value of historic sites, but also for the origin of repair and manufacturing of bricks and tiles. The main contents of this study include the manufacturing technology of “Tile Kiln”, discussion of the firing procedures from ancient times to the present, and understanding of the relationship between finished product in the kiln and various links through observation and test of firing kiln, in order to establish the basic knowledge for differentiate the brick materials. As for the way of investigation that the interview of craftsmen and traditional skill record are principal and supported by scientific observation and test, comparing with the interviewees’ experiences, trying to transfer the correct oral information to objectively operational procedures in order to become the study basis of building materials in terms of bricks and tiles. Chapter 1 Introduction: Expound the motive, purpose of study, literature, scope and method etc. Chapter 2 Outline of Taiwan Traditional Tile Kiln: Describe the development history of Taiwan traditional tile kiln, the current situation of tile industry, the firing principles of tile kiln, the development of kiln body and the way of building. Chapter 3 Manufacturing and Procedure of Tradition Tile Kiln: Describe such important procedures as the manufacturing of semi-finished bricks and tiles, putting in kiln and firing kiln and related notes hereof, as well as expound the same and different situations of various places according to the way of production and procedures. Chapter 4 Observation and Test of Firing Tile Kiln: With respect to observation—analyze the observed firing kiln during the study period and compare the raising temperature and the yield rate of finished products; induce reasonable raising-temperature curve and observe the relationship between raising temperature and fuel consumption, as well as the influence of traditional temperature control on the temperature of kiln; with respect test—take the finished products of every part in the kiln to observe, test and record their shrinkage, water absorption, compression resistance and color. Infer the enlarged value of rough semi-finished products for every location in the kiln by shrinkage range, and from the shrinkage range, the porosity and strength, understand the temperature distribution in the kiln; analyze the color distribution for every location in the kiln; explore the relationship between manufacturing procedures and damaged finished products. Chapter 5 Conclusions and Suggestions: Describe the technology of producing the tile kiln, the characteristics of product, and suggest the follow-up direction of study direction. Key words: Tile kiln, Guizhai kiln, Baozhi kiln, bricks, tiles, kiln industry, firing & manufacturing procedures, firing & manufacturing technology.


Prof.Kpenraad Van Balen
一、 中文專書:


