  • 學位論文


A Study on the Intention of service learning- Taking the different grade of students department of data rocessing in the Vocational High School

指導教授 : 劉士豪 蔡義昌


「服務學習」一詞,是一九六七年,由美國南部地區教育董事會(Southern Regional Educational Board)首先提出,顧名思義,是「服務」與「學習」的相互結合,也就是在「服務」過程中獲得「學習」的效果。 讓高職學生參與「服務學習」,培養學生多元價值觀,啟發學生關懷社區,增進社會參與的能力,培養公民社會的意識並獲得正面的成長經驗,落實五育均衡發展的全人教育。 由國內外的文獻中,我們可以得知「服務學習」的確有其重要之功能,然而,目前國內外文獻資料顯示「服務學習」多是以社區服務的方式進行,鮮少針對高職學校特定課程,綜觀行政院青年輔導委員會對於「服務學習」項目所述之建議,似乎亦未明確將高職學生的專業能力列入考量,進行「服務學習」。如何將「服務學習」有系統的導入高職特定課程中,將是本研究有興趣的重要課題。 因此本研究之目的為探索在目前升學壓力的情況下,高職專業科目要如何實施「服務學習」,透過問卷調查,探索學校、老師、家長、及學生推動「服務學習」之意向;以供國內高職教育參考。


“Service Learning”, a combination of service and learning, was first come up by Southern Educational Board in 1967. It means to achieve the result of learning via doing services. Through participating in Service Learning programs, we could let vocational high school students to cultivate a sense of multi values, to begin to care for their own community, to improve their ability to participate social affairs, to aware their citizenship, to gain positive growing experience, and finally, to achieve holistic education. We learned the importance of Service Learning from domestic or international educational literatures. However, which also indicates that Service Learning is practiced through community service and rarely through programs that are specifically designed for vocational high school students. Reviewing the suggestions to Service Learning by National Youth Commission Executive Yuan, the professional ability of vocation high school students are overlooked for the program as well. Thus, the most important and main purpose of my study, will be “How to introduce Service Learning systematically to vocational high school programs”. Therefore, the purpose of this study are also “How professional vocational programs can be combined with Service Learning for the students who are under serious pressure of further studies”, and to learn “How school, teachers, parents, and students wishes to practice of Service Learning”. Another purpose of this study is to learn the models of Service Learning from related literatures, put them into work to vocational high school programs, and offer a alternative for vocational high school educations. Keywords: Service Learning、the department of data processing、CORPS、T-test


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