  • 學位論文


Design and Implementation of an OSGi-based HealthCare System

指導教授 : 陳英一


本論文主要的目在於研發遠距照護的關鍵性技術,具體實現一個心臟照護服務管理中心系統模型,並提供心電量測諮詢的功能。本論文選定隨身型的心電圖量測器,將心電圖訊號透過家用閘道或行動電話傳遞至服務管理系統,並且提供即時可遠端診斷與維護的服務。台灣正逐步邁入高齡化社會,據統計指出2010年老年人口將佔總人口的10.3%,2020年佔15.1%,未來健康照護將成為一股發展強勁的產業。並隨著人民生活水準提升,對於健康保健的重視,預防醫學觀念逐漸展開,大家也了解到平日的健康資訊可強化預防疾病與增強醫療照護,達到個人化健康管理的目標。 開放式服務閘道器規範OSGi(Open Service Gateway initiative)為網路服務閘道器定義了一個標準的、服務導向的執行環境。此遠距醫療照護系統使用此技術為基礎,建置統一的資料傳輸與軟體管理平台,透過網際網路將使用者生理資訊匯集至照護中心資料庫,並提供整合式的網路管理介面方便醫療人員隨時存取。前端資料傳輸架構除了使用服務閘道器外,並利用J2ME(Java 2 Platform, Micro Edition)以及藍芽無線通訊技術補足行動通訊平台上的資料傳輸機制。 藉由本系統的實作,讓遠距醫療的概念更加貼近實用的程度,不僅在醫療層面使醫護人員能取得使用者的即時生理資訊並加以診斷,在技術層面,更參考許多現有架構,以開發更加具備整合能力與安全穩固的操作系統。


The purpose of this research is to provide an OSGi-based Telecardiology System. It provides a convenient home environment for householders, and allows them to easily measure the electrocardiogram and transmit it to the Telecardiology System. This system not only realizes the concept of tele-medicalcare, and also brings up a model to manage application in a new way. OSGi(Open Service Gateway initiative)specification defines a standard and Service-Oriented application runtime environment for the service gateway devices. The system is based on this technology and provides a unified data transmission and software management platform. The data of electrocardiogram is transported from the service gateway to the central database, and doctors can trace or diagnose user’s physiology through a web-based interface. Besides the transmission of service gateway, this research provides another way of mobile communication to deliver electrocardiogram data by using J2ME platform and Bluetooth technology. From the result of this research, we look forward to building up an integrity OSGi-based management system. With the popularity of the networked devices and micro physiology measurement equipments, the tele-medicalcare environment will go deep into our daily life.


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