  • 學位論文


Impression verification: The effects of domains、targets and impression discrepancies on the self-effacing behavior.

指導教授 : 孫蒨如


摘要 自我呈現意指個體試圖控制他人對其形成印象之過程。個體的自我呈現行為包含了自我驗明與印象整飾。前者是個體從事與真實自我一致的印象呈現,後者則是與真實自我不同的印象塑造行為。研究發現當個體希望自我驗明時,若他人未能以個體的真實自我來看待個體時,個體將產生印象修補行為,使他人對其的印象知覺能符合個體的自我觀點。但另一方面,在自我呈現的印象整飾部分,卻少有研究加以探討,若有印象落差產生時,個體的因應反應為何。因此,本研究的主要目的即為探討當個體在進行印象整飾時,若他人未能接受個體所塑造的印象時,個體將如何因應此印象落差,及可能出現之行為反應,並藉此檢驗華人保守的自我表現行為是否為其自謙的手段。 本研究從事兩個實驗以完整證實上述問題。研究一將找出當個體面對不同對象時,於不同向度的上印象整飾行為為何,實驗設計為3(互動對象:熟朋友、普通朋友、陌生人)×2(整飾向度:人際〈親切〉)、個人〈教養〉)。結果顯示,當個體面對陌生人時,會在個人向度上從事正向的印象整飾行為;反之,當個體面對熟朋友時,會在人際向度上從事較保守、低調(負向)的印象整飾行為。研究二則進一步探討在不同印象整飾情境中(正向與較負向、低調的整飾),當個體面對不同印象落差時(正落差、無落差及負落差),可能的行為反應為何。 整體而言,研究結果大致符合預期。當個體面對陌生人時,在個人向度上從事正向整飾行為後,若他人並未接受其所塑造的印象時,個體會以實際的行動,趨使他人最後能同意其所呈現的正向印象。換言之,此時個體產生了「印象驗明」行為。另一方面,當個體面對熟朋友時,在人際向度上從事較保守低調的整飾行為後,若他人真的接受其所呈現的印象時,個體卻會從事某些行為策略,使他人能對個體形成較正向的印象。換言之,此時個體卻未有「印象驗明」行為。此時個體希望「驗明」的乃為「正向」的印象,而非其所表現的公開印象。同時,本研究結果也證實了華人常用的保守自我表現方式,確為其「自謙的手段」。


Abstract Self-presentation refers to the process of controlling how one is perceived by other people. There are two types of self-presentation, which are self-verification and impression management. Self-verification involves having others perceive us as we truly perceive ourselves. Previous research suggested that we would even try to engage in remedial behaviors to let others to agree with our perception. Impression management implies that we try to create a particular image of ourselves, which is different from our true self, in front of others. The present research was designed to explore the possible behaviors and tactics individuals might employed when other people didn’t accept the impression individuals try to convey. At meantime, we also tried to examine if the self-effacing behavior is merely a strategy of impression management in Chinese. Experiment 1 was a 3(interaction partner: friend vs. acquaintance vs. stranger) × 2 (domain: agentic 〈e.g. cultivation〉 vs. communal〈e.g. geniality〉) factorial design. The results indicated that individuals tried to manage a more positive impression of themselves in agentic domain in front of strangers. Besides, we also found that individuals were engaged in a negative impression management in communal domain when interacted with friends. Experiment 2 was designed to investigate possible behaviors and tactics individual would perform when they experienced impression discrepancies in the positive or negative impression management condition. In sum, our hypotheses were mainly supported. Individuals were engaged in impression verification when the stranger could not perceive the positive impression they tried to convey in the agentic domain. Interesting enough, we also found that when friends agreed with the negative impression individuals created in the communal domain, individuals did not rate this perception as accurate. That is, individuals would like to see their friends have better evaluation of them even when they projected a negative impression of themselves. Individuals even engaged in remedial behaviors to improve their friends’ evaluation of them. Finally, the results also revealed that the self-effacement, not a reflection of true self-evaluation, was only a impression management strategy in Chinese.


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