  • 學位論文


The Study on the Labor Law Relationship between Private University and Staff members

指導教授 : 林更盛


大學與其職員間勞動法律關係之研究」,以文獻分析方式,介紹我國與日本學理文獻與實務見解,以比較法方式,將我國與日本私立大學與其職員間勞動法律問題之見解相互比較,並試圖參酌日本相關法制,以作為我國私立大學與其職員間勞動法律關係問題解決之參考借鏡。 本論文之架構共分為五章:第一章說明本論文撰寫動機及採用之研究方法,再者對於本論文之研究範圍加以界定,並稍加說明各章節之內容。第二章判斷私立大學與其職員勞務供給契約類型,首先說明私立大學職員之定義與種類、分析其與工友間的區別;其次分別說明我國與日本學說與實務對勞工概念之判斷標準,並予以分析比較;最後判斷私立大學職員的勞工身分,且說明排除私立大學職員適用勞基法之合憲性問題。 第三章說明私立大學職員個別勞動契約問題,其內容主要在於探討勞動法基本原則之適用、職業災害、退休制度法律關係等問題。首先介紹勞動法上幾個值得注意的基本原則,例如誠信原則、平等待遇原則與解僱最後手段性原則, 並說明上述幾個基本原則在薪資、調職、解僱問題的具體適用;其次介紹職業災害定義,並分析比較我國與日本職業災害相關法制,且說明私立大學職員在此法制下可主張之職業災害救濟內容;最後介紹我國與日本私立大學職員之退休制度,同時比較兩國規定之異同,並對我國私立大學職員退休制度提出建議,且說明我國在94年7月1日實施「勞工退休金條例」之後,如何面對本質上為勞工但在不適用勞基法的前提下,而無「勞工退休金條例」之適用所衍生的制度上不公平問題。 第四章以組織工會法理基礎為中心說明私立大學職員集體勞動法問題,其內容主要在於我國與日本組織工會之憲法依據,並比較兩國規定之差異,以提供我國私立大學職員組織工會合憲性之參考借鏡。 第五章則是結論,總結前述各章節之討論內容,並提出相關建議,認為私立大學職員係屬勞工應有勞基法適用,亦唯有在勞基法適用的前提下方可解決私立大學職員現行法制上有關職業災害、退休制度所衍生的漏洞。然於未將其納入的現況,雖無勞基法適用,但仍有誠信原則、平等待遇原則與解僱最後手段性原則等勞動法上幾個值得注意的基本原則之適用,並認為私立大學職員享有憲法所保障的組織工會之基本權利,亦期望經由本論文之研究,對私立大學職員勞動法律關係問題之解決與法制修改上有所裨益。 摘要(英)


mainly concentrates on the issue of the Labor Law Relationship between Private University and Staff members. This thesis introduces the academics and practices of the Labor Law Relationship between Private University and Staff members by analyzing their backgrounds and differences between Taiwan and Japan. Finally, it provides suggestions in order to settle questions by adopting Japanese legal system. The scheme of this thesis is divided into five chapters as follows: Chapter 1 illustrates the incentives for writing and the methodologies adopted in this thesis. In addition, this part defines the realms of the research and briefly describes the contents of each chapter. In chapter 2, the thesis determines the type of Labor service contract between Private University and Staff members. First, it illustrates the definition and kinds on Staff members of Private University, and the differences between Staff members and manual workers. The next, by analyzing academics and practices between Taiwan and Japan, it introduces the judgment criteria of Labor conception. The final part determines Staff members of Private University are Labors and argues the constitutionality of excludes Staff members of Private University from Labor Standards Law. Chapter 3 aims to argue the fundamental principles in Labor Law, occupational hazard, and retirement system. First, it mentions several important fundamental principles of Labor Law- -the principle of truth and confidence, the principle of fairness, and principle of last means of dismissal, for example, and how the fundamental principles were adopted in salary, transference and dismissal. The next, it illustrates the definition and remedy of occupational hazard, and comparative study of Taiwan and Japan occupational hazard regulation. Finally, it provides suggestions by introducing the pension system of staff members of Private University in Taiwan and Japan and the differences between them. By contrast with the cases in Japan, it also suggests us how to face the discrimination after Labor Pension Act is put into practice for Labor Standards Law is not applied to staff members of Private University. Chapter 4 focuses on the theories of Trade Unions on Collective Labor Law. The contents include constitutional basis and differences of Trade Unions between Taiwan and Japan. And it presents contrast in order to conform the constitutionality of organizing Trade Unions to the relevant legal systems in Japan. Chapter 5 concludes the former discussions and propositions of this thesis. Only on the basis, the Staff members of Private University are Labors of Labor Standards Law, the loophole in occupational hazard and pension system can be solved. However, Labor Standards Law can not be applied to Staff members of Private University, but have application to the principle of truth and confidence, the principle of fairness, and principle of last means of dismissal. Staff members of Private University have fundamental right of constitution to organize Trade Unions. Hopefully, the study of this thesis will provide a valuable reference to revision and further application in the Labor Law Relationship between Private University and Staff members. 電子論文全文


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