  • 學位論文

汽車零組件工業中沖壓模具與治具設計 之流程規劃研究

A Workflow Planning Study for the Design of Press-Die and Fixture in Automobile Part Industries

指導教授 : 林志浩


在現今機械產業中,使用沖壓模具生產產品具有快速、方便、生產成本低廉等特性,非常適合在短期間大量製造出具有形狀、可替換性高及能滿足尺寸精度要求的成品產業,是有效率並降低成本之生產方式,在沖壓模具與治具的設計製作流程方面,管理者在進行流程規劃必須要對產品特性充份了解,並以豐富的經驗與專業知識,依產品需求、交期、材質特性、生產數量、尺寸及複雜度和加工人負荷狀況加以考量後,進行生產規劃,再依規劃之流程進行產品設計及製作,流程規劃是否良好對於製作品質及生產交期有莫大的影響。 本論文主要研究目的,是為提供汽車零組件沖壓模具與治具設計製作流程規劃,提供決策支援為基礎的資訊平台,管理規劃者及設計製作人員對於流程規劃問題上及提供可行的解決方案建議。 為達成上述研究目的,本研究進行的方法如下: 首先針對汽車產業中模具與治具在設計及生產的特性及生產流程做深度的了解,依據模具與治具製作流程時,在整個設計及製作流程中所運用到知識加以分類、分析及探討產品在設計與製作時進行決策時之依據所在,並根據相關理論引出績效指標與實作重點。探討汽車沖壓模具生產的製作流程與績效指標,有整體概念之後再研究沖壓模具業的知識來源,並進行實務訪談歸納出沖壓模具業的流程規劃系統之架構,再根據訪談後綜合專家意見與管理理論配合實務流程,整理提出系統需求建議並建置流程規劃決策系統,以及說明這系統的實作重點。 最後透過系統的應用可以提升規劃、設計及製作者對規劃能力的學習與成長,讓使用人員更清楚自己的需求,也可以幫助規劃建置的品質和效率,快速回應組織的需求。上述除了提昇規劃者能力和提昇工作品質外,更可以透過此系統的協助進行規劃,提昇工作的效率。


High production rate, flexibility and low production cost are the main characteristics of manufacturing metal sheet by presses and dies in nowadays mechanical industry. This manufacturing process is most suitable for mass production of manifold products, which are complex in shape, highly replaceable as well as highly precise in dimension, in a short period. The research purpose of this thesis is to build and to develop a decision support system of presses-dies and fixtures layout design workflow planning solution. In order to achieve the purposes mentioned above, the research procedures are listed as following: First of all, a comprehensive study of workflow planning for the design of press-die and fixture in automobile parts industries will be carried out. Furthermore, we try to categorize those problems mentioned above and interview some advisors and experts with special designed questions to extract and summarize their knowledge, experience and admissible solutions. Besides, we will also analyze the planning problems and solutions of different enterprises to integrate and to build a decision support knowledge base which consists of technology and experience. All these efforts we do are for the design knowledge and experience of press equipments and die, which can be easily applied by the enterprises. After the possessing of the planning knowledge and experience, we immediately give advice of the planning demand, DSS and set up a platform of planning knowledge and wiser decision to the enterprises and planners to work smartly by supplying a systematized procedure of the whole planning and decision approach. Finally, experience gained by applying the system in practical situation can enhance the user’s planning capabilities, to capture the system requirement precisely, and to improve planning quality and efficiency, so that organizational requirements can be satisfied promptly. When applying the above mentioned results to workflow planning, not only the planner’s capability and work quality can be improved but also the efficiency due to the assistance of a well-established system platform.


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