  • 學位論文


A Study on the Correlation between Employee Career Planning and Employee Satisfaction

指導教授 : 李正文


論文摘要 員工是企業重要的資產,產品除了基本原料、設備、加工、組裝外,員工的勞力更是產品品質維持最重要的關鍵。因此員工對公司的滿意度,對公司來說的確是非常重要的資訊與重視的議題。 對於公司新進員工而言,員工的生涯規劃將會成為是否繼續待在這個公司的參考依據。藉由公司對新進員工的生涯規劃,不但可以使新進員工感受未來在公司的發展與目標,甚至於對公司形象、公司管理與協調、工作環境以及產品規劃產生認同感。對於公司中生代員工而言,員工的生涯規劃,不僅可以提供給對工作抱持著積極競爭的中生代員工新的目標與挑戰,並且對於中生代保守型的員工也提供了安穩的工作環境,進而使所有中生代的員工繼續抱持著認真負責的態度。對於資深的員工,一個全方位為資深員工量身訂做的生涯規劃與量身訂做的教育訓練,可以使他們感受到存在的價值與貢獻度。 因此,如果在經營企業的同時,也經營著一套完善且完整的員工生涯規劃,不但可以激勵與凝聚新生代的員工向心力,更可以鼓勵中生代和資深的員工繼續發揮他們那種無法取代,也無法短時間就可以學習到的寶貴經驗。如此,完善的員工生涯規劃必定反應員工滿意度;對於公司的地位、形象、績效乃至公司的永續經營將是企業存在的一項重要的課題。 2006年是汽車業艱辛的ㄧ年;從去年年底預估2006年整個台灣汽車應該有55萬輛的銷售市場,至2006年底卻僅有35萬輛實際的銷售成績。在如此汽車銷售景氣吃緊的情況下,汽車製造業者如何規劃員工的生涯?而員工滿意度是否仍然維持著? 本研究整合國內某大汽車製造業者,對該公司的員工抽樣問卷調查與整理,並利用因素分析(factor analysis)、信度與效度檢定(reliability and validity)、敘述統計分析(frequency analysis)、變異數分析(ANOVA)、皮爾森分析法(Pearson analysis)以及迴歸分析(regression analysis)等研究分析方法,並針對研究樣本的問卷回饋做統計與分析,以期探討汽車業製造商對員工的生涯規劃與員工滿意度之間的關連性。本研究重要發現分述如下: (一) 不同的員工個人屬性與員工生涯規劃和員工滿意度部分的構面有顯著的差異。 (二) 員工生涯規劃和員工滿意度之間有顯著的正向相關。尤其以教育訓練最為明顯。 故本研究發現該汽車製造公司的員工生涯規劃和員工滿意度之間是存在著明顯正向的關聯性,也就是說該公司員工生涯規劃愈完整,員工對工作或公司的滿意程度愈高。 關鍵字:員工生涯規劃、量身訂做的教育訓練、員工滿意度


Abstract Employees are the most important estate of an industry. Besides raw material, facilities, processing, assembly, the working force of employees is the key to maintain the quality of product. So, the employee satisfaction is a very important information and valuable subject to a company. With regard to new-coming employees, the career planning for an employee is an important index for them to continue working together with the company. Career planning on new-coming employees not only making employees to understand their career development and target, but also to realize the identification on the image, management and coordination of a company, working environment and product strategy. For the mid-aged employees, career planning not only providing them new target and challenge to those proactive employees, but also stable working environment to those conservative employees. By doing so, the mid-aged employees will all have conscientious and accountable working attitude. For senior employees, comprehensive career planning will also make them feel valuable and contributive. So, it will inspire new-coming employees and encourage mid-aged and senior employees to continue contributing their un-replaceable experiences if managing a company as long as conducting a comprehensive and integrated career planning for employees. Comprehensive career planning for employees will reflect employee satisfaction, as well; it will be a very important subject to improve the status, image and performance of a company and to continue running a successful business. It is a very difficult year for car industry in 2006, the estimated car sale for whole 2006 should be five hundred and fifty thousand units, but the actual sale is three hundred and fifty thousand units in 2006. In such a critical year of car industry, how do car makers do the career planning for employees and how do they maintain the employee satisfaction? This research was using the method of questionnaire survey together with various kinds of statistic analysis, such as "Factor Analysis", "Reliability and Validity", "Frequency Analysis", "ANOVA", "Pearson Analysis" and "Regression Analysis" to realize the relationship between career planning of employees and employee satisfaction from car makers and got the important discoveries as stated blow: 1) It exists remarkable discrepancy between career planning of different employee variables and employee satisfaction. 2) It exists a positive relation between career planning of employees and employee satisfaction, especially in tailor-made trainings. According to the results of this research, it exists a positive relation between career planning of employees and employee satisfaction of car makers; in other words, the more comprehensive career planning of employees, the more satisfied with the company. Key words: Career Planning of Employee, Tailor-made Training, Employee Satisfaction


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