  • 學位論文

核心競爭力、網絡地位利益與成員信任度對經營 績效影響之研究 -以台灣中小型工程公司為對象-

Core Competence , Benefit of Networking Position and Trust of Membership with Corporate Performance——Small and Medium Construction Company as Samples

指導教授 : 呂鴻德


本研究旨在探討核心競爭力、網絡地位利益與成員信任度對經營績效之影響,以往研究者僅針對台灣中小企業、工程公司等相關成功關鍵因素進行研究,尚無針對中小型工程公司與合作廠商之間的合作經營實證發現或研究,因此本研究以協力廠商及下游承包商來分析合作績效高低,歸納出台灣中小型工程公司與各合作廠商間影響經營績效因素。 本研究採個案研究法,以個案工程公司中已合作、曾經合作過之協力廠商及下游包商為研究對象,在深度訪談並經由背景資料分系與個案資料彙整後,發展出相關命題。本研究的結果如下: 一、 台灣中小型工程公司在掌握資源上,均無法滿足工程所需,在工程進行中往往都需要其他相關公司進行資源共享、工程合作。工作生存空間都息息相關,受到彼此的影響,因此各協力廠商、工程下游承包商,因此與企業之間網絡關係息息相關。 二、 台灣中小型工程公司在工程相關同業間,進行選擇合作夥伴所採行的選擇方式中,是否依合作公司「核心競爭力」以及「網絡地位」高低選擇,皆會影響其合作經營績效表現。多數以「核心競爭力」為選擇合作對象的首先考量,在合作經營績效上都有較佳的表現。 三、 台灣中小型工程公司目前在進行工程合作過程中,對於工程合作中成員企業網絡地位對於合作工程會有一定的影響,大部分受訪者都認為合作的成功在於「企業網絡地位」影響力高低對於經營績效有較大影響,另外有部分受訪者更提出「企業網路地位」的高低對日後工程工作合作上會有決定性的影響,透過彼此的企業網絡地位高低的影響力,提高經營績效目標達成率。 四、 在各構面的關係上,成員信任度對經營績效有影響;企業網絡地位對經營績效也有部分差異,而核心競爭力對於經營績效則有最高的影響力。


The research mainly studies the major competition, benefit form internet, and the confidence between members on the operation results of a company. Before the research, studies are most focused on success factors of medium and small scale company in Taiwan. This thesis studies operation result of a company based on the cooperation results between companies, collaboration and contractors and summaries the factors affecting operation results of cooperation companies and contractors in Taiwan. Case study is adopted in this research. The thesis studies the collaboration companies and contractors by analyzing the background data and interview and then develops related topics. The results are listed in the following: 1. Medium to small scale companies can not satisfy the engineering work with sufficient resources. They usually need to share the resource and cooperation with related companies during the work. 2. It influences the performance of the company how the partner is chosen and the higher rank of the “Core competency” and “Networking position”. Most of the “Core competency” oriented companies have good performance. 3. Most of the companies commonly agree that “Networking position” is the base that makes a successful cooperation. More over some interviewees mention that networking position of the companies influences the cooperation seriously in the future. Once the reliability built, the cooperation can have a better achievement and raise the rate of the investment return. 4. To sum up, the trust of the membership has a critical influence to the company, the networking position of the companies makes different performance and the core competency with corporate dominates everything.


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