  • 學位論文


A Study on Relevant Issues of the Administrative Corporation of National Museum

指導教授 : 林江亮


由於行政機關的組織大幅成長,政府的規模日益龐大,因此弊病叢生,使得行政組織改革呼聲因應而生,因而政府組織改造及縮減行政機關數目成為改革的重點,然而將部份國家機關組織就本質徹底改變,將國家任務交予有別於政府組織之主體來執行,是擴大政府服務範圍並提高服務效率及品質的方式之ㄧ。 本文以個案研究法及文獻探討法,針對個案國立臺灣博物館行政法人化之相關問題探討,研究認為應盡速完成立法程序,免得牴觸母法的情形且要多面向傾聽學者、專家的意見,建立更周延更彈性的行政法人制度,並需明確訂定大部分經費來源及自籌經費來源,成立專責國立台灣博物館改制行政法人評估委員會,求周密的規劃。在人力資源方面,要妥善處理公務員的權益問題,對於公務人員的移撥、鼓勵提早退休或留任等配套措施,應該審慎處理,注意國立台灣博物館原基金會計之存廢及新制基金會計之移轉課題,以利動產及不動產之處理等。行政法人採購制度之設置,辦理採購,應本公開、公平之原則,並應依我國締結簽訂條約或協定之規定,要如何防弊及防止貪瀆,建議在行政法人設置管理條例中明確規定。


Due to the substantial growth in administrative agency, the increasing scale of the Government is accompanied by numerous cases in scandals, resulting in the demand for corresponding administrative organizational reform. Consequently, the government organization reform and the reduction in the number of administrative agencies have become the focus for reform. Nonetheless, thoroughly changing the nature of the State agency organization and implementing national missions through non-governmental organization is one of the measures which the government expands scope of services and thereby raises service efficiency and quality. The study is based on case study and literature review, and discusses with emphasis on the case study of issues related to administrative corporation for the National Taiwan Museum. The study believes that immediate actions should to be taken on the legislative procedures as soon as possible, to avoid conflict with the sources of law, in addition to listening to the opinions of scholars and experts in multi-dimensions, building a more comprehensive and flexible administrative corporation system, clearly setting up the majority of funding sources and self-financing sources, and establish a administration corporation assessment committee responsible for National Taiwan Museum reform with a more detailed plan. With respect to human resources, protection of civil servants’ right needs to be carefully managed, while supplementary measures for civil servants transfer, encouragement of early retirement or remaining in office, must be handled with precautions. Attention must be paid on the abolishment of fund accounting and the transfer issues on new fund accounting in order to facilitate with handling of moveable property and immovable property. The setup of procurement system for administrative corporation and procurement implementation should follow open and fair principles, additionally to compliance with our national conclusion of treaty or provisions of agreement. With respect on how to prevent scandals and corruptions is recommended to be set forth under the administrative corporation management articles.




