  • 學位論文

台灣與中國大陸中小學 教師分級制度發展之比較研究

A Study on Comparison of The Career Ladder Development of Primary and Secondary School Teachers between Taiwan and Mainland China

指導教授 : 黃坤錦


摘要 本研究旨在探討台灣與中國大陸中小學教師分級制度發展情形,透過教師分級理論之探討及相關研究,一一分析台灣與中國大陸中小學教師分級制度的發展歷程,由發展背景、演進與變遷和內涵與特色等三大部分來檢視教師分級制度發展情形。本研究所採用之方法係以G.Z.F.Bereday的比較研究法、文獻探討法及歷史研究法為主,其主要目的在於: 一、了解台灣中小學教師分級制度發展過程與現況。 二、了解中國大陸中小學教師分級制度發展過程與現況。 三、比較台灣與中國大陸中小學教師分級制度發展之異同。 四、根據比較結果,提出對我國中小學未來實施教師分級制度之建議。 本研究之結論為: ㄧ、台灣現階段的中小學教師分級尚處於萌芽期。 二、中國大陸的中小學教師分級處於穩定中發展的階段。 三、中國大陸比台灣之中小學教師分級發展情形更為完善,但仍有加強改進之處。 根據上述所得之結果,提出本研究對教育行政主管機關、學校、教師與未來研究之建議。


ABSTRACT This study is to treat of the career ladder development of primary and secondary school teachers in Taiwan and Mainland China.Divided into three segments as background , evolution and change and system content, the theory of the career ladder development across the strait is constructed based mainly on literature review, interview historical research and comparative research method of G.Z.F. Bereday. Its purposes are: 1.To explore history and present conditions of the career ladder development of primary and secondary school teachers in Taiwan. 2.To explore history and present conditions of the career ladder development of primary and secondary school teachers in Mainland China . 3.To compare the similarities and differences of the career ladder development of primary and secondary school teachers in Taiwan and Mainland China. 4.According to the comparative research findings, to propose practical execution of the career ladder development of primary and secondary school teachers for future teacher’s education system in Taiwan. The conclusions of the study are: 1.At present, the career ladder development of primary and secondary school teachers in Taiwan is still under the stage of initiation. 2.At present, the career ladder development of primary and secondary school teachers in Mainland China is still under the stage of development in stability. 3.The Career Ladder Development of Primary and Secondary in Mainland China is more matured than that in Taiwan, but still needs to be strengthened and improved. Based on the above conclusions, this study plans to make recommendations for the educational administration organizations, school administrations, teachers and the future research.




