  • 學位論文


R&D Performance on Patent Application to IC Design House in Taiwan

指導教授 : 邱榆淨


摘要 有鑒於過去大多數研究中皆以量的觀點分析專利表現與特性,僅部份研究者考量專利品質與影響力的重要性,故本研究以質、量兼並之觀點來分析我國IC設計產業之專利研發績效。透過文獻蒐集與研究方法之篩選,選取以研發人員數、大專人數、博士人數為投入變項,專利數目、專利效率、優質技術強度指標、優質專利指數、科學強度為專利之產出變項,經由資料包絡分析法來分析,分析結果顯示: 1. 就效率分析而言,在2005年「強勢效率單位」原有7間廠商,在2006年增加了聯笙電子,變為8間,而雖然「邊緣非效率單位」從4個單位增加為6個單位,但其效率值仍屬於增加的狀況,「明顯非效率單位」從5個單位減少為3個單位,所以整體而言IC設計產業近兩年在專利研發效率上屬於穩定成長的狀況。 2. 就差額變數分析而言,在2005年大部份廠商在三個投入項都有過當的情況,但在2006年則有逐漸改善之情形,僅有1間廠商在投入項上有持續過當的趨勢。 3. 就敏感度分析而言,在2005年以大專人數對整體產業影響最大,有9間廠商效率值有受到影響,其中有4間從有效率變為無效率,而在2006年則以博士人數對整體產業效率值影響最大,共有6間廠商之效率值受到影響,其中有2間從有效率變為無效率。


Abstract Due to most of reasarches in the past analyze patent performance and property in the view point of quantity, only few parts of the researches think of the importance of patent quality. Therefore, the research use both the quantity and quality view points to analyze Taiwan IC design house R&D performance in patent. Through literature collecting and research method sieving, the research chooses R&D workers, College workers and Doctor workers as the input indicators, Number of Patent, Propensity to Patent, Essential Patent Index, Essential Technology Strength and Science Strength as the output indicators, and analyze by DEA. The conclusion shows that: 1. In the efficincy analysis part, 7 companies are in the robustly efficient units in 2005. But increasing AMIC Technologies in 2006, it becomes 8 companies in the robustly efficient unit. Although the marginal inefficient units turn 4 to 6, their efficiency is still increasing. The distinctly inefficient units turn 5 to 3, so entirely speaking, Taiwan design house is in a state of stable growth in recent two years. 2. In the slack variable analysis part, most of the companies invest too much on R&D workers, College workes and Doctor workers, but they had already improved in 2006. Only one company still invests too much on three input variables. 3. In the sensitivity analysis part, the biggest influence in 2005 is College wrorkers, there are 9 efficiencies effected by it and 4 efficiency DMUs of them turn to be inefficiency. The biggest influence in 2006 is Doctor workers, there are 6 efficiencies effected by it and 2 efficiency DMUs of them turn to be inefficiency.


Patent Indicators DEA R&D Performmance




李宗育(2017)。台灣IC設計產業效率與生產力評估-運用Dynamic Network DEA〔碩士論文,國立虎尾科技大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0028-2612201614280900
