  • 學位論文


The Relationships among Organizational Structure, Corporate Culture, and Innovation Capability to Analyze Strategy of the Expensing Employee Bonus

指導教授 : 陳筱琪


在現今科技變遷快速的時代,維繫自身創新能力,已成為高科技企業經營成功與否的關鍵要素。高科技企業之創新能力來自於擁有「人力資產」,因此激勵員工便成為企業重要之議題,其中,員工分紅制度是高科技企業激勵員工的主要方式。然而,2008年台灣政府正式實施員工分紅費用化制度,造成企業人才激勵效果降低,故各公司紛紛採取各種因應策略,但這些策略是否真有其效果仍需研究證實,因此本研究深入探討各項員工分紅費用化因應策略,所適合的企業類型,並分析對於企業創新能力之維繫效果。 本研究透過文獻整理,彙整發現員工分紅費用化之因應策略共可分為調高員工薪資、員工分紅改多發現金少配股票、提高員工分紅比率、發行員工認股權憑證、買回庫藏股轉讓予員工、大股東以其股票信託方式酬勞員工、將部門分割出去成立子公司、發行限制型股票等八項,其中發行限制型股票由於我國法律限制,還不能實施,因此本研究以七項員工分紅費用化之因應策略為主軸。此外,本研究採取組織結構與企業文化作為分析主體,探討組織結構及企業文化對企業創新能力之影響。以新竹科學園區,有實施員工分紅制度的上市櫃公司之高階主管為研究對象。 研究結果發現,有機式組織對於企業創新能力之影響高於機械式組織,彈性型文化對於企業創新能力之影響高於控制型文化,即表示屬於有機式組織及彈性型文化的高科技公司,其企業的創新能力皆較高,進而使其擁有較高的競爭力。其中,有機彈性型企業在採取調高員工薪資、發放現金紅利及發行員工認股權憑證三項因應策略下,對於提升企業創新能力的影響會顯著高於機械控制型企業。由此可知,企業應朝向發展有機式組織及彈性型文化,此乃由於此二類型之企業的創新能力皆相對較高,此外,若企業搭配實施調高員工薪資、發放現金紅利及發行員工認股權憑證三項措施,對於提升企業創新能力亦能有其效果。


Innovation capability is the key success factor of high-tech firms. The source of innovation in high-tech is based on its human capital. Therefore, employees motivation is critical issue to high tech firms, then, employee bonus is used to encourage employees in high-tech industry. However, employee bonus policy face huge challenge after Taiwan government implemented expensing employee bonus system in 2008. Consequently, high-tech firms adopted various corresponding strategies to solve this challenge. But which is suitable corresponding strategies.and its effects are still issue for high-tech human management. Therefore, this research will focus on all the corresponding strategies and its’ appropriate enterprise types, and to analyze the correlation between the strategies and innovation. With literature review, the strategies include rising, profit sharing in cash, raising the rate of profit sharing, employee stock option, providing treasury stock, stock trust, establishing subsidiaries and restricted stock. The restricted stock cannot be taken follow the law of Taiwan Government. This research focused on the seven strategies of expensing employee bonus, and used organizational structure and corporate culture to analysis. There are studied the impact of organizational structure and corporate culture on innovation capability. In the results of research, organic organization made a better impact on innovation capability than mechanistic organization; elastic culture had deeply influence on innovation capability than controlled culture. Results shows that organic organization and elastic culture would be appreciate senior to improve innovation capability and competition in high-tech companies. The organic organization and elastic culture are good to use the corresponding strategies of rising salary, providing profit sharing in cash and providing employee stock option Therefore, companies should develop organic organization and elastic culture and collocate the strategies which are rising, profit sharing in cash and employee stock option in order to increasing innovation capability.


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