  • 學位論文


Discourses on Luxury Consumption and Space exhibition design:Exempliefed by Armani

指導教授 : 張謙允


隨著消費升級,「消費」不再單純侷限於商品基本功能面向,消費者也越來越重視商品與生活態度、自我情感的連結,因此精品空間也訴求能標榜多重價值的精品。換言之,此類空間也反映大眾之生活態度、消費心理及廣義的社會建構,其包含了自我風格、個人品味之展現,乃至於暗喻社會地位及精神層面之需求等內在意涵。因此,充斥於都會的各類精品空間,愈趨成為現今消費型態的大宗,實為觀察當今消費符號文化的最佳對象。 首先,研究者以環境現象學方法,調查消費者之精品消費主體經驗與觀感,並探究相關消費理論及分析系統。進一步聚焦於精品消費所反映的「距離美感」及「階級美學」:擁有高價格的精品挾著強烈的時尚符號,刻意營造距離美感讓消費者產生購買的強烈慾望,並行銷其品牌故事傳奇等,加深精品價值的合理性。再者,精品品牌LOGO象徵「差異表示符號」,提供消費者消費能力與地位的識別,反映著階級意識、品味。最後,為加以深入探索,本研究以服飾精品空間設計為例,執行空間案例之空間表徵分析,綜合提出精品消費空間當代社會文化意涵之觀察結果論述。


As consumption is grading up gradually, consumption is no only simply confining to the basic function of the goods, but also paying much attention to the link of the goods with the attitudes of living and self-emotion. Then they seek to the luxury goods with multiple values in boutique. In other words, this kind of space reflected attitude toward life, consumer psychology and generalized social framework of the general public, including the development of the self-style and personal taste, even metaphor the inherent meaning of the social class and spiritual demands. Therefore, all kinds of boutiques in megalopolis are nowadays a large amount of consumption types. Actually, it is the best object to observe the current consumption culture and the quality of the life. First, the researcher, by the environment phenomenology method, investigates the experience and impression of the main consumption in the high-quality goods, and inquires into the related consumption theory and the analysis system. Further focusing consumption on the high-quality goods “the aestheti distance” and “aesthetic class” reflected: Having the high price high-quality goods includes the intense fashionable mark, builds deliberately the distance of the esthetic sense to lead the consumer with the intense desire for purchasing, and sells its brand story legend and so on, to deepen the rationality of the high-quality goods value. Furthermore, high-quality goods brand LOGO symbolized “the difference of the identification mark” to provide the consumer the power of consumption and the status recognition and to reflect the social class and taste. Finally, to perform the thorough exploration, this research takes the clothing high-quality goods space design as an example, carrying out the characterization analysis of the space case, and presents the observed result of luxury goods consumption in the contemporary social culture meaning.


陳智豪 (2004),<建築與品牌形象塑造之設計操作>,中原大學建築研究所碩士論文。
Jean Baudrillard (1998),《擬仿物與擬象》,洪凌譯,台北:時報文化。
林信宏 (2003),<運動廣告中的符號消費現象>,南華大學傳播管理學系碩士論文。


