  • 學位論文


The Burial Law for Bone Storage and Along With the Grave System of the Hakka in Taiwan

指導教授 : 黃俊銘


臺灣客家勤於祖墳的祭掃與維護,這樣的風俗慣例雖然有來自於葬俗與風水操作,乃至殯葬改革與審美意識的影響,但是應有必要回歸到挖壙掩土、格局配置、立面繁飾等以澤枯骨及堆土為記的墓作葬法上,給予不離「墳墓」與「安葬」此一主題的理解。 本文將流傳在臺灣客家地方的墳墓、葬法與墓作,進行現地調查資料為主的及相關文獻與近人著作為輔的研究,並理解其長期存在的意義。基於掩土安葬與遷改葬的需求,而被應用且盛行在臺灣客家地方的眾多傳統墳墓,本文針對此一回應納骨葬俗的流傳物(Überlieferung/Tradition),進行探究進而在保存意識與眾多墳墓之間的聯繫關係上給予整體的理解。 論述架構上,在第一章緒言中說明研究對象、方法與論述架構,第二章就安葬思想與傳統墳場擇址經驗的普遍性概念,先行從文化脈絡上進行回顧與一般認識。其次,針對墓作技術的多樣發展以及與藏屍納骨作業與葬俗的聯繫,在第三至五章中分門別類的從地表下的挖壙掩土、地表面的格局配置、與地表上的景觀立面等三方面,將實務所需的墓作應用之脈絡乃至現況,經由掩土、格局與立面等墓作的特徵與生成背景、墓作技術與表現、在臺灣客家地方的衍化狀況加以梳理。然後,在第六章中通過臺灣客家墳墓的維護經驗、與時俱變的風俗、墳墓類型與分化等動態經驗進行瞭解。最後,在第七章中以納骨葬法為基礎的經由整體指認客家墳墓的體系、墓作應用、多種典範與文化焦點,並對臺灣客家墳墓體系所運作的連續性的晉級過程,及其流傳至當代與適用的發展給予敘述。 臺灣客家是藉由藏屍納骨的墳墓應用、興築與反覆的修護或遷改建的墓作,從實務上回應厚葬傾向與重視先人枯骨保存的葬俗傳統。也能適時的與適地的以舉凡「晉塔」、「陰塔」或「家塚」、火化土葬及講究彰顯祖德的繁飾巧作等新作法,以及「大塟」(初葬)、「寄巖」、「吉墳」(正式墳墓)、「陰塔」等因應遷改葬俗的墳墓類型與應用,回應葬地不足與墓而會族的社會需求。 據此長期流傳於臺灣客家地方的此一特定事物或文化焦點(cultural focus),眾多的臺灣客家墳墓並不是無關聯的集合排列,而是將客家遷改葬俗與地方性墓作供應給予聯繫的一連續性(continuous)的或接近風俗稱之具晉塔意識的整體關係,在客家地方上形成具特殊性、地方感、持續應用的、以及被眾多祖墳的後裔所認同的文化流傳現象與文化景觀。


墳墓 葬法 客家 納骨 體系 風水


Hakka people in Taiwan emphasize tomb sweeping and maintenance. The custom and convention come from the burial custom, Fengshui, and the influence of burial reformation and the concept of beauty appreciation. However, it is necessary traced back to hole-digging and burying, layout and allocation, and tombstone with complex decoration in order to honor the dead and to mark the location by accumulating earth. The custom should be understood from the perspectives of “grave” and “burial.” The essay studies the popular grave, burial methods, and tomb making in Taiwanese Hakka areas, taking field study as primary research and related documents and recent writings as secondary research. It tries to understand the meaning for their long-term existence. Based on the requirement of covering-up burial and reburial, many popular grave conventions are applied in Taiwanese Hakka areas. The essay studies the customary tradition(Überlieferung/Tradition) of bone storage and burial, reaching the integral understanding of the relationship between reservation concept and various graves. As for the discursive structure, the first chapter is the preface illustrating research objects, methods, and discursive structure. The second chapter reviews and introduces the general thought of burial and the traditional choosing of cemetery from the cultural context. Then, it focuses on the multiple development of tomb making techniques and the relationship between bone storage and burial customs. The third to the fifth chapter discuss the underground digging and burial, the layout and allocation on the floor, and the tombstone decoration. The three chapters study the context of practical tomb making application and the present situation, the features and background of tomb making techniques such as covering up, allocation, and tombstone. The development of the custom in Taiwanese Hakka areas will be presented. Then, the sixth chapter realizes the Taiwanese Hakka’s dynamic experiences such as tomb reservation, changing customs, tomb categories and diversification. Finally, the seventh chapter indicates the Hakka grave system, tomb making applications, several paradigms, and cultural focus based on the bone storage convention, describing the continuous promotion of Taiwanese Hakka grave system and the development of its handing down to the present age and its applicability. Hakka people in Taiwan reflect the cemetery custom and tradition which emphasizes solemn burial and ancestors’ bone storage by the application and construction of grave in the convention of bone storage, by repeated repair or reburial. New techniques are constantly invented, such as jin-tap, im-tab, ga-tung, cremation, interment, or complex decoration expressing the virtue of ancestors. There are also grave categories and applications responding to changing burial customs, such as tai-zong (initial burial), gi-ngam, gid-pun (formal grave), and im-tab. These techniques fit the social requirement because of the lack of cemetery. According to the unique thing or cultural focus popular in Taiwanese Hakka areas for a long time, several Taiwanese Hakka graves do not indicate a meaningless arrangement. Instead, they establish a continuous and custom-like relationship with the concept of jin-tap which connects Hakka’s reburial custom with local tomb-making supply. They form a specific, local, and sustainable cultural heritance phenomenon and cultural landscape.


burial methods grave Fengshui system bone storage Hakka




