  • 學位論文


The study on the localization and evolution of Taiwanese traditional graves

指導教授 : 堀込憲二


本研究是以全台各地的漢人墳塚為研究對象,探究自漢人入墾的明鄭時期,乃至當下的民國九十一年間(約1661-2002),傳統古體土墓由簡入繁的演變過程,以及根據在地社會的墓作變遷現象,所產生頗具地方感的流行樣式之衍化研究。 傳統墓制趨於地方性走向的流變大勢,其過程表現了經由社會推動而形成發展特色,在於安葬窮民的明清義塚時期;其後,約略在二十世紀的大正元年之後,進入由緩慢漸變而激烈猛進,接著再由激烈而平靜的地方性墳塚之衍化歷程。 經由台灣地方性墓制衍化的歷程得知,為顧及水土環境有關的葬俗文化、墳場生態、樣式規制、匠作傳承的整體關係,以謀求兼具維繫吉凶象徵,以及免遭雨侵水蝕與「出泉」危害之葬骨場所。使得土墓衍化焦點的構成大項,包括硬體部份的擋土結構;水源循環的墳塚規劃;水流動線的平面格局;地上化的壙位與墓地基礎等部份,皆與各地的水文環境及水源崇拜傳統充分結合,產生因地制宜的地方性墳塚樣式之發展脈絡。 整體而論,台灣傳統墓塚樣式的衍化大勢,在於地方樣式墳塚的獨立發展、墓壙的地上化、兼顧風水象徵的排放水設施等項目。台灣傳統墳塚受到墳場的水文環境影響,所造成墳塚型態及其具體構造的改觀,進而形成地方性流行樣式的現象,實為墓制衍化的核心課題。


地方性 墳墓 樣式衍化 風水


This study focuses on Taiwan’s “Han” people as the study object. The timeframe traces back to China’s Ming dynasty when the Han people were farming in Taiwan under the guidance of General Txan up to the year 91 of Republic of China. (1661-2002). Exploring how Chinese “Han” people changed their graves from the complicated traditional style to a more simple and localized fashion along the years. This trend of localization has shown certain characteristics motivated by local social activities at the time being. Initiating from a drastic change in graves of Han people who were loyal to China’s Ming dynasty and died fighting against soldiers of Ching dynasty, subsided in the later Chinese Emperor DaTxan era at the beginning of the 20th century. The process has revealed people’s over all concerns on Chinese traditional funeral culture, the graves’ geo and bio environment, its structure, the heritage craftsmanship of it etc.in that effort to obtain the best “FungShui”of the graves, which so could bring good lucks to living relatives and avoid rain damages or a so called “ Out spring” flooding in grave yards. It made the graveyards’ physical construction relatively important in the process of localization. The variation involved graves’ flood blocking structure, draining systems; the arrangement of water circling routes around graves;its shifting from underground to above, the designing of graves’ base etc. All these have deeply braid with existing environment and local adoration of water source. extending into various. fashion locally In conclusion the changing style of Taiwan’s graves, generally counts for their isolated localization., shift from underground to above, combining superstitious FungShui in the draining system. However, changes based on routes of the surrounding’ water extending to adopt local fashion should be the focus of the test.


Changing style FungShui localization grave


1871 《淡水廳志》,臺灣銀行經濟研究室。
1964 《臺灣府志》,臺灣銀行經濟研究室
1960 《福建通志臺灣府》,臺灣銀行經濟研究室。
1690 《重纂福建通志》,臺灣銀行經濟研究。


