  • 學位論文


The Survey and Research of the Poetic Couplets of the Formosan Ancient Tomb

指導教授 : 李乾朗


臺灣的古墓,依墓主身份大致可以分為三種墳墓:官宦墳墓、仕紳豪族墓、一般民墓。臺灣古墓形式,依據風格大約可分為幾種:傳統型式、傳統折衷式、中西合璧式、西洋式或是日式等外國形式。 在分析這些對聯資料的同時發現,由於墳墓建築也是一種展現經濟實力、社會地位的展現,因此裝飾亦多。不過文字畢竟是裝飾的一種,並不代表豪華墳墓一定要有墓聯作為裝飾,在調查過程之中,亦有許多墳墓有精美的石刻、塑像,但沒有墓聯文字作為裝飾。 另外載體的不同,也會影響到墓聯的形式。清代官紳,由於擁有功名而立石望柱,這種載體的發揮空間大,撰聯者競相寫長聯以發揮才學。因此墓聯文字多,能表達的意思就多。而到了後來,墓聯刻於曲手柱等等的載體,字數有限,所以必須精準的表達。因此墓聯的表達較為精鍊,但是意境也單一多了。 墓聯的內容主要分為三大方向:風水觀念、庇蔭子孫、彰顯先人。這些內容的區別,主要在於所表達的出發點不同。從自然表達,則歸於第一者;從家族的角度而出發,則屬第二者;從墓主的評價來著手,則成為第三種。當然,從墓聯的內容與題詞者,也可以看出家族的消長與交際的人脈。


古墓 墳墓 對聯 墓聯 仕紳 文人雅士 民間文學


The Formosan ancient tombs, according to the status of the burier, are roughly divided into three types: official tomb, gentry and tycoon tomb, and folk tomb. They can be also distinguished by pattern into the following: traditional forms, traditional compromising style, Chinese-Western fusion style, Western style, or Japanese style. Another discovery is explored by analyzing the couplet, as tomb construct reveals the economic power and the social status, the decoration and adornment are very common. However, words are after all a kind of decoration, implying poetic couplet is by no means a must for grand tomb. Throughout the survey and research, many tombs, despite with no poetic couplet carved, are ornamented with exquisite stone carvings and fine statues. The form and the pattern of the tomb couplet are resulted from the different vehicles as well. The official and gentry in Qing Dynasty are offered the right to erect “shih wang jhu” (石望柱, a stone column) by rank, this sort of vehicle is gigantic, a great chance for any poet to exert his/her talent in the long couplet. The more words the poetic couplet contains, the more denotation of the meaning would be. Later, the tomb couplet is mainly carved in other vehicles, such as “cyu shou jhu” (曲手柱, the columns in the wall surrounded the tombstone). The meaning requires fully explained due to the limitation of the words, showcasing refined and sophisticated convey. However, the poetic imagery is far much simple and plain. As for the content, the tomb couplet is divided into three aspects: feng shui, offspring-blessing and ancestor-celebrating. The standpoint of convey in the poetic couplet is the main reason for the variation in content. Natural aspect is the first, the second one is from the family perspective, and criticizing and valuing of the burier is the last one. On the other side, the content and the poet of the tomb couplet also hint the rise and fall in power as well as the social status of the family.


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