  • 學位論文


A Study on Investment Strategies in China by Taiwan’s LED Industry – An Example on X Company

指導教授 : 秦宗春


台灣的LED產業正處於蓬勃發展的成長階段,除了國際間的環保節能意識高張的推波助瀾,國內業者擁有的工程技術及量產經驗,以及中國大陸令人期待的LED應用端市場,都是造就台灣LED業者積極地前往中國大陸拓展與投資的動力,也間接加強雙邊的LED產業互補合作,以面對國際市場競爭同業的壓力。 本研究以台灣的X公司為例,採用質性分析方式,經由文獻與資料的蒐集,以及對企業的訪談來探討台灣LED業者赴大陸投資的策略考量。在個案分析過程,我採用外部層面的發展環境、內部層面的優劣勢條件、以及目標層面的財務性及策略性目標,此三個關鍵的決策層面,用以說明X公司投資中國大陸市場的策略選擇和決定。 透過本研究分析發現,當國內LED市場中低階產品已經發展趨近成熟,將會促使國內廠商選擇海外市場以擴大生產規模;同時,若是所選擇的海外市場也正處於發展快速的階段,也將會吸引這些廠商進行海外直接投資。在差異化戰略導向的前提下,以策略聯盟及產業群聚的方式,迎合中國大陸中央及地方政府的LED產業提升政策,因地制宜擬訂大陸市場投資經營策略,來達到進入大陸市場的攻防優勢。


Taiwan’s LED industry is in a rapidly developing stage that comes from a combination of international environmental concerns, the engineering know-how and mass production experience, and the high expectation of China’s market applications. Consequently, Taiwanese LED manufacturers actively invest in China to strengthen bilateral cooperation in facing the international competitive pressure. This study uses X Corporation in Taiwan as an example. Through qualitative research method, relevant literature, and business interviews to explore the strategic considerations of Taiwanese LED industry to invest in China. In the case analysis, I use three dimensions to illustrate the strategic choices in investing in China, namely: first, the external dimension of developmental environment; second, the internal dimension of strengths and weaknesses; and third, the goal dimension of financial and strategic goals. The findings are first, the low to medium levels of products in Taiwan’s LED market is getting mature which will stimulate domestic enterprises to expand production magnitude overseas; second, if the target overseas market happens to be in the rapid development stage that will attract companies to seek direct investment. In the guidance of differentiation strategy and the attraction of central and local Chinese government policies to upgrade the LED industry, the corporation should design applicable local strategies to achieve comparative advantages in China’s market.


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