  • 學位論文


An ERPs Study of the Concrete and Abstract Semantic Processing in Words and Pictures

指導教授 : 鄭谷苑


本研究利用行為與事件相關電位(Event Related Potentials, ERPs)研究,來探討圖片與文字在提取具體與抽象意義時有何差異,藉此驗證圖片與文字的語意或概念處理歷程,是否不同。本研究包括四個實驗,兩個是行為的研究,另外兩個是ERPs的分析。在行為實驗的方面,利用關聯性判斷實驗,發現圖片與文字兩者皆可提取具體與抽象字詞的意義或概念,且兩者在反應時間上的表現有顯著不同。而ERPs實驗中使用與行為實驗相同的實驗程序時發現,在圖片與文字的情況下,接受抽象與具體刺激後約350至500毫秒時,皆產生N400的事件相關電位,我們因此推論圖片如同文字一般,也可提取相對應的具體與抽象意義。進一步的比較發現由圖片與文字分別引發的具體、抽象意義時,ERP產生的位置有明顯不同,並且根據這個資料,討論圖片與文字的意義提取處理歷程的不同。本研究總結有三個發現:1. 圖片如同文字也能提取其抽象的意義,而非僅能展現具體的意義。2. 圖片與文字兩者在提取意義時,大腦的處理歷程有所不同。3. 本研究中部分支持了Paivio的雙重編碼理論,表示文字與圖片兩種刺激形式,在提取意義時是分別由兩個系統來處理。


The current study examined the differences between words and pictures in semantic processing by using behavioral and event-related potentials data. Abstract and concrete words were used to prime the abstract and concrete meaning of both words and pictures, to examine the differences in their processing. This study includes four experiments, divided into two groups: behavioral study and ERPs study. In the behavioral study, we found that both words and pictures can prime concrete and abstract meanings and the differences in reaction time were significant. In the ERPs study, we found large negative components at 350 ~ 500 ms after the onset of target stimuli in both words and pictures. By priming concrete and abstract meanings, we also found differences in brain activities in both words and pictures conditions. We suggested the result indicates that there were different semantic processing in words and pictures, which partially support the Paivio’s dual-coding theory. We therefore concluded: First, Pictures and words can both primed abstract and concrete meanings. Second, words and pictures processed semantic differently. Third, this study partially supports Paivio’s dual-coding theory by proving words and pictures have separate semantic processing systems.


semantic ERP


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