  • 學位論文


The changes in popular merchandise of figure and creation research

指導教授 : 吳鼎武瓦歷斯


中文摘要 玩具在人類行為發展歷程中,一直扮演著陪伴兒時成長與親密互動的角色。近年來全世界在玩具市場,不僅結合了街頭、滑板、音樂等青年元素的「公仔」風,在香港、日本及台灣也持續漫延,並成功地將公仔文化引進青年人的流行文化中,不少後起之秀及熱愛公仔玩具的創作人崛起。為了將國內公仔設計師特色作品和原創概念推向更寬廣的視野,並希冀提升商業設計的美感訓練與展望,因此,本研究的目的,將藉由公仔玩具商品與文化潮流之間的共生互動進行創作研究論述。 以創作研究的範圍與限制方面,玩具一角色,在本創作定義中是以收藏型的公仔流行商品為主要探討主題。本研究經匯整相關文獻後得到見解,一般人在把玩互動過程中,透過自我塑造人偶或布玩偶,在學習操控角色的模擬中,衍生出多元的娛樂性,因此,說明了玩具不僅是一種社會風氣影響下的產物,它也是一不斷地在反應時代的藝術、潮流、科技與文化的傳遞者。然而,公仔就是潮流次文化下衍生出的新興玩具產物之一。 受到時代進步與社會環境變遷的影響,消費價值觀大幅改變,品牌形象與個性化流行風潮高漲,特別是在許多消費族群中,已將品牌的歸屬視為表彰身份地位的一種象徵;再者,消費者選擇心所喜愛的企業品牌或是商品就是一種形象認同,而在設計師公仔玩具品牌上也有了明顯的銷售依據。本研究在第二階段探討公仔設計師之公仔創作與設計發想歷程,並輔以設計師公仔作品進行色彩風格與身形比例數據歸納出公仔設計原則,在第三階段創作中則以公仔設計原則為概念依據,發展出創作公仔及周邊商品。 因此,本創作在有關公仔玩具研究上歸納出以下論點: 一、隨著流行次文化與符號象徵之變遷影響,公仔流行商品的設計趨向個性化與專屬訂製而發展。 二、公仔設計師將時尚與藝術美學注入青年娛樂文化領域中,並在其中找到符合時代需求之公仔造型演變特徵,進而建立設計師玩具品牌。 三、依據公仔設計師色彩嗜好與公仔身形比例原則之歸納,自我創作發展出符合色彩鮮明、頭臉與身形局部誇張比例之創作公仔。


玩具 公仔 潮流次文化


ABSTRACT Toys in the course of development of human behavior, has been accompanied by a child playing a growing role with the intimate interaction. All over the world in recent years in the toy market, not only a combination of the streets, skateboarding, music and other youth element "doll," the wind in Hong Kong, Japan and Taiwan have continued to spread and succeeded in introducing young people doll culture pop culture Many a rising star and creative toy doll-loving people rise. Domestic doll designer for feature works and original concept to a broader vision, and hope to enhance the aesthetic design of commercial training and outlook, therefore, the purpose of this study will be by doll toy merchandise and culture between the symbiotic interaction researches on creativity. To create and restrict the scope of the study, the toys one role, in this definition is a creative collection of doll-based popular merchandise as the main topic to explore. In this study, the entire relevant literature by the Department after the opinion, most people in playing an interactive process, through self-fashioning figures or cloth dolls, in the control study the role of simulation, derived from diverse entertainment, therefore, describes the toy is not only a under the influence of a product of society, it is one continuous reaction times in the arts, trends, technology and culture carriers. However, the doll is the trend of sub-culture derived from one of the new toy products. By the age of progress and the impact of changing social environment, consumer values, a significant change in brand image and personality of the wave of rising popularity, especially in many consumer groups, the brand has been regarded as a recognition of the attribution of a status symbol; Furthermore, consumption Choose from heart favorite merchandise or corporate brand identity is a kind of image, and in the designer toy doll brand has obviously also based on sales. In the second phase of this study was to explore the doll designers create and design hair think the course, supplemented by doll designer works for the proportion of color style and build data into the design principles of a doll in the third stage of creation is doll design principles to the conceptual basis for the development of creative figurines and merchandise surrounding. Therefore, the creation of the doll toy research into the following arguments: First, with the popular sub-culture symbols of change and the impact of figurines popular design trend merchandise and the exclusive personalized and customized development. Second, the fashion doll designer and art aesthetics into the field of youth entertainment culture, and in conformity with the requirements of the times to find one of the doll modeling the evolution of characteristics, which set up the toy designer brands. Three, based on dolls and doll designer colors hobbies build all into the principle of proportionality, self-creation developed in line with the bright, and build local head&face exaggerated the proportion of creative doll.


Figure Toy New product of subculture


dpi 設計流行創意雜誌, 2004,第63期,台北,漢生科技有限公司,頁24-39。
