  • 學位論文


Evaluating Product Support Integrator of Military Vehicles by Performance-Based Logistics

指導教授 : 邱榆淨


國軍面對組織調整、人力精簡的時間急迫性,未來武器裝備維修模式須順應軍事後勤外包潮流,並參考美軍效益後勤成功經驗,推動與國內廠商進行產業策略聯盟,將非屬核心之維修保養工作,委由民間擔任武器系統支援整合商,承包各類後勤維修與支援活動,以解決組織調整後,後勤作業能力及品質下降等問題,對於武器系統實施外包及執行效益後勤維修策略時,須特別考量之關鍵成功因素:如何選擇外包廠商(產品支援整合商)的評估方法,是一個重要的研究議題應深入探討,以確保委外策略成功。 本研究先透過文獻探討及專家深度訪談方式,以篩選及確認各評估構面、準則重要性,再運用德爾菲法(Delphi Method)確立研究架構,最後運用層級分析法(Analytic Hierarchy Process, AHP)以分析出軍用車輛產品支援整合商最佳之評選模式及關鍵的評估構面與評選準則之權重,提供國防部決策單位之參考。 研究結果經歸納獲得計有供應鏈管理能力、工程管理能力、維修管理能力、資訊管理能力、績效評估與管理能力等五項軍用車輛產品支援整合商之評估構面及二十項評準則,接著運用層級分析法設計專家問卷,分別對軍方後勤決策單位、執行單位及學術研究單位三個群體等具備實務經驗專家完成問卷調查,其中產品支援整合商的評選準則,前三名是:策略聯盟管理(0.106),包搬儲運與交期(0.094)及資訊整合(0.091),依調查結果建構一套「軍用車輛產品支援整合商(PSI)之評估模式」,將研究結果訂定出軍用車輛產品支援整合商能力評分表,以利在未來執行效益後勤維修策略時,供各評選專家委員作為對各廠商評選分析參考。


Due to the urgency of organization adjustment and manpower cutting down, the national military should follow the main trend of the Performance-Based Logistics (PBL) to maintain the weapon facilities in the future. The national military can benefit from the successful Product Support Integrator (PSI) experience of American military to ally with domestic companies and assign the ex-core maintain to civil weapon system contractor who can be in charge of varied PBL maintain and support. This is the only solution to boost the PBL. However, there is a vital issue people need to concern after taking the strategy of PSI, which is the assessment of the model of selecting contractor/product support integrator. The research first refers to the articles and professors’ interviews to screen and verify the importance of every assessment and principle. Then the research structure is based on Delphi Method. The Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) will be practiced at last to analyze the best estimate model, assessment items and the principle can be used for the national military’s reference. The research concludes five items and twenty principles for estimating the military vehicle supplier, the management of supply chain capability, the engineering management capability, the maintain management capability, the information management capability, and the performance assessment and management capability. Then AHP is used to create the questionnaire which is taken by the experienced professionals who work in PSI decision unit, executing unit and academic research unit. Among the criterions of selecting PSI, the top three are:“strategic alliance management”(0.106), “packaging, handling, storage, transportation & delivery” (0.094), and “Information Integration” (0.091). According to the research outcomes, the estimate model of selecting PSI vehicle contractors is formulated. All professional estimate committee can take advantage of the form while making PSI maintain strategies in the future.


楊東震、蔡文甲(2004)。台灣購物中心競爭力指標之建立與分析。中華管理學報,第5卷,第1期 ,第77-90頁。
