  • 學位論文


Simulation and Analysis of Shielding Transmission-Line Tower from Lightning Stroke

指導教授 : 陳士麟


本研究主要利用遮蔽角法與滾球法模擬輸電鐵塔的雷擊遮蔽範圍,並檢測各鐵塔塔型與塔號遮蔽能力,其中影響輸電鐵塔遮蔽能力的因素有二:(1)鐵塔架構,(2)地形坡度變化,坡度的變化對於滾球法有相當程度的影響,在傳統估算坡度的方法是利用等高線地形圖進行計算,此方法除了耗時之外,在估算坡度方面也會與實際地形產生相當的誤差,為改善此缺點本研究利用電子圖資(Geographic Information System ,GIS)取代等高線地形圖,去估算輸電鐵塔兩側之坡度,提升坡度估算速度與精準度,使模擬鐵塔遮蔽的範圍更接近實際的狀態,本研究亦利用全球衛星定位系統(Global Position System, GPS)進行鐵塔及其兩側之定位與量測。 本文針對天輪-龍崎區段#100~#121鐵塔進行雷擊遮蔽能力的模擬分析,根據鐵塔架構與地形坡度作為雷擊遮蔽能力的指標,係利用上述兩項指標將此區段之輸電鐵塔按遮蔽能力加以分類並制定遮蔽等級,等級越高者表示遮蔽能力越強,並與台電所提供之雷擊事故相比較,驗證此檢測法的可行性與可靠度,目前台電公司已制定「輸電鐵塔基礎汰換與維修計畫」並自民國八十九年開始分二十年進行,由於經費相當龐大,執行期間冗長,因此適可依據本研究,所制定之遮蔽能力等級,提供台電作為汰換、維修或是加裝避雷措施之優先順序,達到經濟與安全的目的。 關鍵字:滾球法、雷擊遮蔽、GPS、輸電鐵塔。


雷擊遮蔽 滾球法 輸電鐵塔


This study used protection angle method and rolling sphere method to conduct a simulation of shielding transmission tower from lightning stroke, two major factors that affects the transmission tower shielding are:structure of the transmission tower, and slope of tower's both side. To consider the slope of bowls is very difficult, because the slope to be considered for each one to estimate the tower, it is estimated that the slope, is a measurement to the scene to do exploration, while another of contour lines map, in this study, use Geographic Information System substitution for contour map, giving us a close-to-exact data we needed to perform the simulate accurately, to calculate the slope between the two ends of the tower, vastly increase the efficiency and accuracy of the experiment. In addition, we also use GPS to provide us a precise information on locating the towers. This study is operated on areas #100~#121 between Tien-Lun and Lun-Chyi. Based on the simulation analysis, we classified our tower shielding ability with the two factors we proposed just then: structure of the towers and the slope of the ground,and to establish shielding level of the transmission tower, higher levels indicate higher shielding ability, According to Taipower’s report on lighting accident(93-98), Since year 2000, Taipower has already started a plan on replacing and repairing the towers. Nevertheless, it requires an enormous amount of funding and time. We believe that our experiment and study results will be a wonderful reference to Taipower. Achieving safety and economic also.


[7] 許景勛,345kV輸電鐵塔雷擊遮蔽分析,中原大學電機工程研究所碩士論
[2] IEC 1024-1, Protection of Structures against Lightning - Part 1:General
[3] IEC 62305-1, "Protection against Lightning - Part 1: General Principles",
January 2006.
Substations, IEEE Power Engineering Society, 19 April, 1996.
